Strategies, achievements, and challenges in bean research at CIAT are analyzed and discussed. Research strategy emphasis has been to reduce losses caused by diseases and pests. This strategy has, in general, not lead to yield increases. A change in research emphasis is, therefore, proposed. This ...
Schoonhoven, Aart van
[Strategies, achievements and challanges in bean research; the CIAT perspective]
Strategies, achievements and challanges in bean research; the CIAT perspective
Graf, W
Trutmann, P.
[Results and methodology of diagnostic trials on common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) in Rwanda: a critical appraisal]
Results and methodology of diagnostic trials on common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) in Rwanda: a critical appraisal
Diseases are one of the limiting factors to bean production in L.A. The prevalency and severity of the disease depends on the quantity of inoculum existing in the region, environmental conditions and the quality of the seed used. Data are given on geographic distribution, favorable climatic condi...
Timely evaluation of new technology performance is extremely important for international research centers. As part of the evaluation efforts of new bean technology currently in process at CIAT, a mathematical model of the bean farm is being implemented. One of its features is the incorporation of...
Integrated pest control uses a combination of methods to maintain pest populations at an economically tolerable level. After listing the principal bean pests in the zone of Palmira, Valle del Cauca (Colombia) and the type of damage they cause, cultural, chemical and biological methods are discuss...
Melendez E, A
[Algunos aspectos relacionados con el control integrado de plagas en frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)]
Algunos aspectos relacionados con el control integrado de plagas en frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
Seed survey data gathered by the bean project for the Andean region during the 1989/90 cropping season are presented. Five aspects were considered: the farmer`s concept of seed, the farmer`s opinion on quality and availability, and the technical feasibility of production and distribution-commerci...
Maitre, A
[Informe de viaje a Cajamarca (9-14/10/89), incluyendo un analisis preliminar de algunos datos obtenidos en el sondeo sobre semilla]
Informe de viaje a Cajamarca (9-14/10/89), incluyendo un analisis preliminar de algunos datos obtenidos en el sondeo sobre semilla
The objectives of CIATs Entomology Program are: (1) the survey and identification of insect and mite species in L.A.; (2) establishment of the economic importance of pest species in terms of yield decrease and their geographic distribution; (3) evaluation of cv. for their resistance to determined...
Seventy nine samples of two Phaseolus species were collected during a germplasm exploration in Cusco. Of particular interest are: 25 landraces of P. vulgaris (of which 7 are popped beans) and 8 populations of a particular wild common bean. Strong indications about the existence of a crop-weed com...
Debouck, Daniel G.
Tohme, Joseph M.
[Recoleccion de germoplasma de Phaseolus vulgaris en el Centro- Sur del Peru, Mayo 14 - Junio 1, 1988]
Recoleccion de germoplasma de Phaseolus vulgaris en el Centro- Sur del Peru, Mayo 14 - Junio 1, 1988
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Proyecto de frijol del CIAT para la Zona Andina-PROFRIZA: Actas del comité consultivo, 1991, subproyectos finales aprobados para 1991: Informe en formato PPO de las actividades 1990-1991]
Proyecto de frijol del CIAT para la Zona Andina-PROFRIZA: Actas del comité consultivo, 1991, subproyectos finales aprobados para 1991: Informe en formato PPO de las actividades 1990-1991
Thirty bean lots, belonging to 28 farmers, were monitored in the municipalities of San Gil and Villanueva. Short interviews were conducted with the farmers to determine why they use certain types of furrows and their perception of erosion processes. Lots were divided into 3 groups: furrows down t...
Maitre, A
[Estudio sobre la orientacion de surcos en la siembra de frijol en los municipios de San Gil y Villanueva (Santander)]
Estudio sobre la orientacion de surcos en la siembra de frijol en los municipios de San Gil y Villanueva (Santander)