Over the last few years research funding has increasingly moved in favour of large, multipartner, interdisciplinary and multi-site research projects. This article explores the benefits and challenges of employing a full-time research fellow to work across multiple field sites, with all the local ...
Sugden, Fraser
Punch, S.
[The challenges and benefits of employing a mobile research fellow to facilitate team work on a large, interdisciplinary, multi-sited project]
The challenges and benefits of employing a mobile research fellow to facilitate team work on a large, interdisciplinary, multi-sited project
What is the relationship between gender norms, agency, and agricultural innovation? How might we undertake and what can we learn from a comparative approach to this question? GENNOVATE—a comparative and collaborative research project—addresses these questions using contextually embedded qualitati...
Badstue, Lone B.
Petesch, Patti
Feldman, Shelley
Prain, Gordon
Elias, Marlène
Kantor, Paula
[Qualitative, comparative, and collaborative research at large scale: An introduction to GENNOVATE]
Qualitative, comparative, and collaborative research at large scale: An introduction to GENNOVATE
The Challenge Program on Water and Food pursues food security and poverty alleviation through the efforts of some 50 research-for-development projects. These involve almost 200 organizations working in nine river basins around the world. An approach was developed to enhance the developmental impa...
Douthwaite, Boru
Álvarez, S.
Cook, Simon E.
Davies, R.
George, P.
Howell, J
Mackay, R.
Rubiano Mejía, Jorge Eliécer
[Participatory impact pathways analysis : A practical application of program theory in research-for-development]
Participatory impact pathways analysis : A practical application of program theory in research-for-development
Asia, the Pacific and Oceania region is very rich in genetic diversity of tropical fruits. Although, fruits have always been important agricultural species, it is only in recent years that there is an increasing awareness of the potential of native tropical fruit species as good sources of dietar...
Bhag Mal
Rao, R.
Sthapit, B.R.
Sajise, P.
[Conservation and sustainable use of tropical fruit species diversity: Bioversity's efforts in Asia, the Pacific and Oceania]
Conservation and sustainable use of tropical fruit species diversity: Bioversity's efforts in Asia, the Pacific and Oceania
Kimani, P.M.
Assefa, H.
Rakotomalala, G
Rabakoarihanta, A
[Research on bean rust in East and Central Africa: status and the future]
Research on bean rust in East and Central Africa: status and the future
The unique potential of biotechnology to provide new solutions to old problems constraining the contribution of livestock to farming systems in the developing world is emphasized in this paper. An overview of biotechnological aspects of livestock research within the CGIAR, including a description...
Teale, A.J.
[Biotechnology: A key element in the CGIAR's livestock research programme]
Biotechnology: A key element in the CGIAR's livestock research programme
Although there has been increasing interest in trying to link the livelihoods of people living near natural resources, there has been little attempt to systematically assess or measure this linkage. A conceptual framework for defining the linkage between livelihood activities and conservation is ...
Salafsky, N.
Wollenberg, Eva K.
[Linking livelihoods and conservation: a conceptual framework and scale for assessing the integration of human needs and biodiversity]
Linking livelihoods and conservation: a conceptual framework and scale for assessing the integration of human needs and biodiversity
Marunda, C.T.
Kowero, G.S.
Tiveau, D.
[Stimulating policy dialogue on the dry forests of Africa: a Sida/CIFOR initiative]
Stimulating policy dialogue on the dry forests of Africa: a Sida/CIFOR initiative
Monitoring and research activities may hinder rather than improce conservation in tropical countries. This paper identifies some critical threats to biodiversity and the limited resources for defending against them. It suggests various contributory factors, and a few common sense options for impr...
The paper describes the Version 2 of the CO2FIX (CO2FIX V.2) model, a user-friendly tool for dynamically estimating the carbon sequestration potential of forest management, agroforesty and afforestation projects. CO2FIX V.2 is a multi-cohort ecosystem-level model based on carbon accounting of for...
Masera, O.R.
Garza-Caligaris, J.F.
Kanninen, M.
Karjalainen, T.
Liski, J.
Nabuurs, G.J.
Pussinen, A.
Jong, B.H.J. de
Mohren, G.M.J.
[Modelling carbon sequestration in afforestation and forest magement projects: the CO2FIX V 2.0 approach]
Modelling carbon sequestration in afforestation and forest magement projects: the CO2FIX V 2.0 approach