White mold, caused by the fungus Sclerotinia (Whetzelinia) sclerotiorum, is distributed worldwide and has more than 300 hosts. It infects flowers, cotyledons, seeds, leaves or injured plant tissue. The disease can be controlled by crop rotation, flooding, reduced seeding rates, application of che...
El moho blanco causado por el hongo Sclerotinia (Whetzelinia) sclerotiorum se halla presente en todo el mundo y mas de 300 plantas son hospedantes del patogeno; infecta las flores, cotiledones, semillas, hojas o tejido herido. El control de la enfermedad se puede hacer por: rotacion de cultivos, ...
Bellotti, Anthony C.
Arias V., Bernardo
Vargas H., Octavio
Reyes Q., Jesús Antonio
Guerrero, José María
[Insects and mites that attack cassava, and their control]
Insects and mites that attack cassava, and their control
Bean rust (Uromyces phaseoli), a common disease with worldwide distribution, is considered one of the most important bean production problems in the tropics. Prolonged periods of moisture and moderate temp. (17-27 degrees C) favor disease development. The infection process begins when a urediospo...
La roya del frijol (Uromyces phaseoli) es una enfermedad a nivel mundial considerada como uno de los problemas mas importantes de la produccion de frijol en el tropico. Periodos prolongados de humedad y temp. moderadas (17-27 grados C) favorecen el desarrollo de la enfermedad. El proceso de infec...
White mold, caused by the fungus Sclerotinia (Whetzelinia) sclerotiorum, is distributed worldwide and has more than 300 hosts. It infects flowers, cotyledons, seeds, leaves, or injured plant tissue. The disease can be controlled by crop rotation, flooding, reduced seeding rates, fewer irrigations...
El moho blanco causado por el hongo Sclerotinia (Whetzelinia) sclerotiorum se halla presente en todo el mundo, con mas de 300 plantas hospedantes del patogeno; infecta las flores, cotiledones, semillas, hojas o tejido lesionado. El control de la enfermedad se puede hacer por rotacion de cultivos,...
White mold, caused by the fungus Sclerotinia (Whetzelinia) sclerotiorum, is distributed worldwide and has more than 300 hosts. It infects flowers, cotyledons, seeds, leaves or injured plant tissue. The disease can be controlled by crop rotation, flooding, reduced seeding rates, application of che...
El moho blanco causado por el hongo Sclerotinia (Whetzelinia) sclerotiorum se halla presente en todo el mundo y mas de 300 plantas son hospedantes del patogeno; infecta las flores, cotiledones, semillas, hojas o tejido herido. El control de la enfermedad se puede hacer por: rotacion de cultivos, ...
Losses in root and planting material production caused by different pests as well as their biological control are evaluated. Studies of pests damaging dried cassava in storage were initiated. Biological aspects and form of attack of the following pests are described: stemborers (Lagochirus rogers...
The different alternatives for disease control in cassava, registered as efficient and considered as possible candidates for inclusion in technological packages for cassava cultivation, are summarized. Certain specific characteristics of cassava and its cultivation that should be considered when ...
Se resumen las diferentes alternativas que para el control de enfermedades en yuca se han registrado como eficientes y que podrian tenerse en cuenta al proyectar paquetes tecnologicos para la produccion de ese cultivo. Se enumeran ciertas caracteristicas especificas de la yuca y su cultivo que se...
The main insect pests and diseases associated with Brachiaria pastures are considered, with emphasis on spittlebugs, the most damaging pests in tropical America. Outbreaks of the polyphagous burrowing bugs of the genus Scaptocoris, both in Brazil and Colombia, are of concern. Other pests discusse...
Valério, José Raul
Lapointe, Stephen L.
Kelemu, Segenet
Fernandes, Celso Dornelas
Morales, Francisco José
[Pests and diseases of Brachiaria species]
Pests and diseases of Brachiaria species