A longitudinal study was carried out from September 2014 to May 2015 on village chicken of Lume district for the aim of determining incidence rate of mortality of Newcastle disease (NCD) and infectious bursal disease (IBD) and the associated risk factors. In addition in a retrospective survey pas...
Jarso, D.
[Epidemiology of village chicken diseases: A longitudinal study on the magnitude and determinants of morbidity and mortality—The case of Newcastle and infectious bursal disease]
Epidemiology of village chicken diseases: A longitudinal study on the magnitude and determinants of morbidity and mortality—The case of Newcastle and infectious bursal disease
Salmonella species cause significant morbidity, mortality and burden of disease globally. In Kenya, salmonellosis is only second to pneumococcal disease as a leading cause of mortality in children under five; children living in the slums are especially vulnerable. Being a multihost zoonotic patho...
Gichuyia, M.C.
[Prevalence and antimicrobial resistance of Salmonella in livestock and humans in Korogocho and Viwandani slums]
Prevalence and antimicrobial resistance of Salmonella in livestock and humans in Korogocho and Viwandani slums
Chepkwony, M.C.
[Prevalence and antimicrobial resistance of zoonotic Campylobacter isolated from livestock and rodents in informal urban settlements in Nairobi]
Prevalence and antimicrobial resistance of zoonotic Campylobacter isolated from livestock and rodents in informal urban settlements in Nairobi
Q fever is a zoonotic disease caused by the intracellular bacterium Coxiella burnetii. It
was first described in 1935. Ruminants are considered to be the primary source of infection to
humans who become infected through inhalation of aerosols from infected ruminants and also
through exposure to a...
Mwololo, D.K.
[Seroepidemiological survey of Q fever in livestock and humans in Bura, Tana River County, Kenya]
Seroepidemiological survey of Q fever in livestock and humans in Bura, Tana River County, Kenya
Re-emerging infectious diseases can cause serious health and economic effects in a society.
West Nile virus fever is a zoonotic arboviral infection maintained in nature within a cycle
between mosquito vectors and birds. This virus was first isolated in Uganda with subsequent
reports of epidemics ...
Nyamwaya, D.K.
[Determination of the main reservoir hosts of West Nile virus among wild birds in Tana River County, Kenya]
Determination of the main reservoir hosts of West Nile virus among wild birds in Tana River County, Kenya
The history of theileriosis in Zimbabwe is presented covering the period from the introduction of East Coast Fever in 1901 to the mid-1980s. This is followed by a series of 8 papers on the following topics: occurrence, isolation and characterization, epidemiology, age resistance, transmission by ...
Koch, H.T.
[Aspects of the Epidemiology of January disease (Theileria parva bovis infection) in Zimbabwe.]
Aspects of the Epidemiology of January disease (Theileria parva bovis infection) in Zimbabwe.
Les fruits de mer pêchés de façon traditionnelle et vendus sur les marchés en Côte
d’Ivoire ne sont soumis à aucune inspection en vue de garantir leur innocuité. Cette étude a
été initiée afin d’évaluer le risque sanitaire lié à leur consommation en rapport avec la
contraction de la paragonimose ...
Traoré, S.G.
[Risques de contraction des affections à Vibrio sp. et à Paragonimus sp. liés à la consommation des crabes et des crevettes vendus sur les marches d’Abidjan et de Dabou]
Risques de contraction des affections à Vibrio sp. et à Paragonimus sp. liés à la consommation des crabes et des crevettes vendus sur les marches d’Abidjan et de Dabou
More than 2 billion people live on less than 2 US dollars per day. People in these conditions often have inadequate access to basic sanitation, safe water, and medical services. These individuals, households and communities may be at high risk for a wide range of preventable and treatable infecti...
Glanville, William A. de
[Exploring vulnerability to infectious disease in a smallholder farming community in rural western Kenya]
Exploring vulnerability to infectious disease in a smallholder farming community in rural western Kenya
A study was conducted in Kampala district, Uganda to map the distribution of pork retail outlets as well as assess their role in food borne disease transmission. This was the first study to map pork retail outlets and their hygiene in Kampala, a city considered to be a major destination for pigs ...
Kungu, Joseph M.
[Epidemiology of Taenia solium cysticercosis in the pig value chain in Uganda]
Epidemiology of Taenia solium cysticercosis in the pig value chain in Uganda