This infobrief provides key points that few international networks have direct local impacts. Most focus on providing information and services to national level actors, helping develop resources and skills to promote national and local change. Better links between international, national and loca...
Center for International Forestry Research
[Bridging the gap: communities, forests and international networks]
Bridging the gap: communities, forests and international networks
Adnan, H.
[Blessing or misfortune?: locals, transmigrants and collective action]
Blessing or misfortune?: locals, transmigrants and collective action
Projects implemented as part of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of the Kyoto Protocol will have the dual mandate of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and contributing to sustainable development. It is not yet clear what, if any, forestry activities will be eligible for CDM. Nor is it known ...
Center for International Forestry Research
[Payments for environmental services: some nuts and bolts]
Payments for environmental services: some nuts and bolts
This infobrief provides key points that create a framework to allow people to make their own choices. Foster social learning and innovation, invest in rural organizations, strengthen markets. Give communities control over woodlands and the returns from their investments, encourage fairness, colla...
Center for International Forestry Research
[Not by grain alone...: woodlands and rural livelihoods in dryland Africa]
Not by grain alone...: woodlands and rural livelihoods in dryland Africa
Dry forests in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) cover approximately 43% of the continent. They are inhabited by nearly 236 million people, many of these the poorest in the world. A majority of the population of these regions is dependent on traditional energy sources (i.e., firewood, charcoal and organic...
Petheram, L.
Campbell, Bruce M.
Marunda, C.T.
Tiveau, D.
Shackleton, S.
[The wealth of the dry forests: can sound forest management contribute to the millennium development goals in Sub-Saharan Africa?]
The wealth of the dry forests: can sound forest management contribute to the millennium development goals in Sub-Saharan Africa?
HIV/AIDS is having devastating impacts around the world, with southern Africa being particularly hard hit. Significant numbers of households and families in this region are undergoing dramatic social and livelihood change and suffering extreme poverty as a consequence of this disease. Recent stud...
Shackleton, S.
Kaschula, S.
Twine, W.
Hunter, L.
Holding-Anyonge, C.
Petheram, L.
[Forests as safety nets for mitigating the impacts of HIV/AIDS in southern Africa]
Forests as safety nets for mitigating the impacts of HIV/AIDS in southern Africa
Shackleton, S.
Kaschula, S.
Twine, W.
Hunter, L.
Holding-Anyonge, C.
Petheram, L.
[Les forets comme filet de sauvetage pour attenuer les impacts du VIH/SIDA en Afrique australe]
Les forets comme filet de sauvetage pour attenuer les impacts du VIH/SIDA en Afrique australe
Regulation PP No. 6/2007 on forest administration and management planning re-introduced forest management units, called Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan (KPH) intended to ensure the sustainable and efficient management of forest resources. While it offers a promising system for managing forest resource...
Ngakan, P.O.
Komarudin, H.
Moeliono, M.
[Menerawang kesatuan pengelolaan hutan di era otonomi daerah]
Menerawang kesatuan pengelolaan hutan di era otonomi daerah
Contreras-Hermosilla, A.
Gregersen, Hans
White, A.
[Forest governance in countries with federal systems of government: lessons for decentralization]
Forest governance in countries with federal systems of government: lessons for decentralization