Providing compelling empirical evidence of the impacts of participatory research has been a
major goal of the PRGA Program since its initiation. The number of our published Impact
Assessment documents over the past 5 years supports the conclusion that the Program has
well reached that goal. We ar...
Walker, Thomas
Rathgeber, Eva
Dhillon, Baldev
[Report of the first external review of the Systemwide Program on Participatory Research and Gender Analysis (PRGA)]
Report of the first external review of the Systemwide Program on Participatory Research and Gender Analysis (PRGA)
The Policy Information and Response Platform on Climate Change and Rice in ASEAN and its
Member Countries Project (PIRCCA) is one of the trial projects funded under Flagship 4.
PIRCCA has an overarching goal to enable policymakers in ASEAN countries to make informed
decisions on (1) food security...
McKinley J
Adaro, C.
Pede V
Rutsaert P
Setiyono T
Cong Tran Thanh
Lien Huong D
Trung Kien N
Balangue Z
Bandyopadhyay, S.
Sheinkman, Michael
Wassmann, Reiner
[Gender Differences in Climate Change Perception and Adaptation Strategies: The Case of Three Provinces in Vietnam’s Mekong River Delta]
Gender Differences in Climate Change Perception and Adaptation Strategies: The Case of Three Provinces in Vietnam’s Mekong River Delta
This brief summarizes the findings of a project output for the Policy Information and Response Platform on Climate Change and Rice in ASEAN and its Member Countries (PIRCCA), being implemented by the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI). The report focuses on the results of the survey con...
McKinley J
Adaro, C.
Pede V
Setiyono T
Tran CT
Nguyen TK
Quicho E
Sheinkman, Michael
Wassmann, Reiner
[Gender differences in climate change perception and adaptation strategies: A case study on three provinces in Vietnam’s Mekong River Delta]
Gender differences in climate change perception and adaptation strategies: A case study on three provinces in Vietnam’s Mekong River Delta
The use of participatory tools and methods has increased dramatically in
natural resource management (NRM) over the past decade, largely because of
the recognition that sustainable NRM cannot be achieved without involving the
individuals and communities who make decisions about how resources are
Johnson, Nancy L.
Lilja, Nina
Ashby, Jacqueline A.
[Using participatory research and gender analysis in natural resource management]
Using participatory research and gender analysis in natural resource management
This two-page publication highlights 15 key issues that researchers studying biodiversity management and conservation should bear in mind to formulate gender-responsive questions and conduct gender analyses. Attention to these issues will help researchers understand the gendered division of labou...
Since the Green Revolution, the public-sector's agricultural research strategy for increasing food crop productivity has been explicitly based on the premise that technology can cross political and agro-climatic boundaries, primarily through the training and visit system of extension (also know...
Lilja, Nina
Dixon, John A.
[Responding to the challenges of impact assessment of participatory research and gender analysis]
Responding to the challenges of impact assessment of participatory research and gender analysis
El presente manual es una caja de herramientas y recursos para profesionales de ONG y diseñadores de programas interesados en el diagnóstico y la investigación-acción sobre programas relacionados con el cambio climático socialmente incluyentes y sensibles al género, en el contexto del desarrollo ...
Jost, Christine
Ferdous, N.
Spicer, TD
[Caja de herramientas para género e inclusión: Investigación participativa en cambio climático y agricultura]
Caja de herramientas para género e inclusión: Investigación participativa en cambio climático y agricultura
Fischer, G.
Darkwah, A.
Kamoto, J.
Kamphanje-Phiri, J.
[Sustainable agricultural intensification and gender- and age-biased land tenure systems]
Sustainable agricultural intensification and gender- and age-biased land tenure systems
An exercise aiming at attitudinal sensitization using gender as variable is given. Such exercise consists of the reading of two texts on the introduction of a new bean var. in La Merced, Colombia, and then answering several questions. (CIAT)
Ashby, J.A.
Herpen, D. van
[Estudio de caso: introduccion de una nueva variedad de frijol en La Merced]
Estudio de caso: introduccion de una nueva variedad de frijol en La Merced