Low commodity prices in the Caribbean region have negatively impacted the economic growth of commodity exporting economies. Growth among the service producers averaged 1.6 per cent in 2015 but is projected at 2.5 per cent by year end in 2016. The region also struggles with high unemployment of 15...
Alleyne, Dillon
Hendrickson, Michael
Mc Lean, Sheldon
Doorgadeen, Roberta
Pantin, Machel
Skerrette, Nyasha
Economic Survey of the Caribbean 2016. Economic recovery in the Caribbean: the dichotomy of the goods and services economies
A partir del renacido énfasis por el análisis de la desigualdad de los altos ingresos, impulsado por las investigaciones de Atkinson y Piketty, entre otros, se han expandido a lo largo de los distintos países los estudios que analizan las concentraciones de ingresos tomando como base la informaci...
Rossignolo, Darío
Oliva, Nicolás
Villacreses, Néstor
Cálculo de la concentración de los altos ingresos sobre la base de los datos impositivos: un análisis para el Ecuador
World economic growth was somewhat disappointing in 2015 due to a series of negative shockswhich affected the performance of a number of emerging and advanced economies. Among these were the continuing decline in commodity prices, periods of financial market volatility, lower capital flowsand sub...
Alleyne, Dillon
Mc Lean, Sheldon
Hendrickson, Michael
Pantin, Machel
Skerrette, Nyasha
Doorgadeen, Roberta
Preliminary overview of the economies of the Caribbean 2015-2016
This overview examines the economic performance of economies of the Caribbean in 2018 and comprises four chapters. The first chapter provides a comparative analysis across Caribbean economies of the main macroeconomic variables, namely GDP growth, monetary indicators, as well as fiscal and extern...
McLean, Sheldon
Alleyne, Dillon
Hendrickson, Michael
Oyolola, Maharouf
Pantin, Machel
Skerrette, Nyasha
Tokuda, Hidenobu
Preliminary overview of the economies of the Caribbean 2018–2019: Economic restructuring and fiscal consolidation as a platform to increase growth
The objective of this paper is to assess the challenges that Puerto Rico’s economy is currently facing. Puerto Rico’s development experience in the postwar period is briefly discussed in order to understand the nature of the island’s current situation. Puerto Rico’s recent economic performance, c...
La evasión tributaria ha sido y continúa siendo uno de los principales obstáculos que afectan a a las finanzas públicas de los países de América Latina. Si bien hasta hace algunos años el enfoque predominante se concentraba en los impuestos aplicados en el ámbito doméstico, la intensificación de ...
Gómez Sabaini, Juan Carlos
Morán, Dalmiro
Evasión tributaria en América Latina: nuevos y antiguos desafíos en la cuantificación del fenómeno en los países de la región
Um tradicional desafio das finanças públicas no Brasil ainda persiste: a taxa de investimento governamental prossegue em um patamar muito baixo, em termos históricos e comparada com a de outros países, em que pese o País tenha passado a ostentar das maiores cargas tributárias globais e também do ...
Afonso, José Roberto Rodrigues
Wulff Gobetti, Sérgio
Impactos das reformas tributárias e dos gastos públicos sobre o cresciento e os investimentos: O caso do Brasil
This survey examines the economic performance of economies of the Caribbean in 2018 and comprises six chapters. The first chapter gives an overview of global, regional and subregional economic performance as well as unemployment in the Caribbean. The second provides an analysis of governments in ...
There is growing recognition that expanded reliance on property taxation would facilitate the achievement of sustainable development goals, providing adequate funding of local services and access to credit for infrastructure. It would also generate more incentives for more accountable local gover...
El presente trabajo analiza la carga tributaria contenida en las exportaciones de bienes de Uruguay en el período 2012-2016. Para ello realiza un relevamiento de todos los impuestos y otros gravámenes obligatorios y los clasifica según se traten de gravámenes a los productos, a la producción o a ...