Large quantities of cassava common mosaic virus (CCMV) were purified from systemically infected Nicotiana benthamiana plants. A polyclonal antiserum, with a titre of 1/128 in the tube precipitin test, was produced by immunising rabbits with purified virus. Viral antigens were detected in cassava,...
Nolt, Barry L.
Velasco, Ana Cecilia
Pineda López, Benjamín
[Improved purification procedure and some serological and physical properties of cassava common mosaic virus from South America]
Improved purification procedure and some serological and physical properties of cassava common mosaic virus from South America
The effects of cutting storage on cassava root and branch production as well as on other crop characteristics (wt. loss, percentage of viable cuttings, sprouting 80 days after planting, final stand, no. of seed- cuttings/plant) were studied under field conditions in the banana growing zone of San...
Luna R., J.M.
Correa, H.
Leihner, D.E.
[Influencia do armazenamento de manivas de mandioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) na producao de raizes e ramas]
Influencia do armazenamento de manivas de mandioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) na producao de raizes e ramas
To determine the presence of Kranz anatomy, chloroplast structure and distribution in cassava leaf tissues, a selection was made among materials of CIAT`s germplasm bank. Two materials were selected, var. MCol 22 and hybrid CM 507-37; work was also carried out with maize var. Swan Laposta C48B (m...
Riano, N.M.
Cock, James H.
López F., Y.
El-Sharkawy, Mabrouk A.
[Anatomia Kranz, estructura y distribucion de cloroplastos en hojas de yuca (Manihot esculenta Crantz)]
Anatomia Kranz, estructura y distribucion de cloroplastos en hojas de yuca (Manihot esculenta Crantz)
Cassava, bean, and maize leaves were fed with (14)CO2 in light; the primary products of photosynthesis were identified 5 and 10 s after assimilation. In cassava, approx. 40-60 percent were incorporated in C4 acids with 30-50 percent in phosphoglyceric acid, which indicates that cassava possesses ...
Riano, N.M.
Cock, James H.
López F., Y.
El-Sharkawy, Mabrouk A.
Bastidas, G.
[Caracteristicas fotosinteticas de la yuca (Manihot esculenta Crantz): Productos iniciales de fijacion con (14)CO2]
Caracteristicas fotosinteticas de la yuca (Manihot esculenta Crantz): Productos iniciales de fijacion con (14)CO2
Phyllody, previously unreported in Brazil, was observed in several cassava cv. and hybrids planted in exptl. plots of the Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Mandioca e Fruticultura in Cruz das Almas. The effect of the disease on production is not known; however, it poses a serious threat to the cassa...
Two levels of CM substitution (25 and 50 percent) for industrial concentrate were studied; 3 treatments (with broiler chicks randomly assigned to blocks) during fattening were compared with a check treatment (100 percent industrial concentrate). Slaughter wt. over 1.5 kg/animal were obtained, wit...
Rodríguez G, H.
Ospina, B.
Buitrago, J.
Oquendo, G.
Almaguer, N.
Rodríguez P., N.
[Substitucion de concentrado industrial por harina de yuca, en dos niveles, para alimentar pollo en ceba]
Substitucion de concentrado industrial por harina de yuca, en dos niveles, para alimentar pollo en ceba
Data on max. and min. severity of attacks by Xanthomonas campestris pv. manihotis, Choanephora cucurbitarum, and Sphaceloma manihoticola were gathered on commercial plantations located in 4 regions of Sucre, Colombia. Regional clones Venezolana and Preta were used. In the region of Bongo, neither...
Laberry, R.
Lozano, J.C.
[Efecto del origen del material de siembra y el sistema de cultivo en la severidad e incidencia del anublo bacterial, el anublo fungoso y el superalargamiento de la yuca]
Efecto del origen del material de siembra y el sistema de cultivo en la severidad e incidencia del anublo bacterial, el anublo fungoso y el superalargamiento de la yuca
A technique to study mycorrhizal effects on growth and P-uptake of cassava (Manihot escultenta, Crantz) grown in flowing solution culture is described. Phosphorus concentrations were carefully maintained constant at 0.1, 1, 10 and 100 ?M by daily analyses and adjustment of the nutrient solutions....
Howeler, Reinhardt H.
Edwards, D.
Asher, CJ
[Application of the flowing solution culture techniques to studies involving mycorrhizas]
Application of the flowing solution culture techniques to studies involving mycorrhizas
The parasitism, development, and thermal requirements of Trichogramma exiguum and Telenomus sphingis, common parasitoids of Erinnyis ello eggs, were studied. Life statistics were also determined for each specie and temp. (20, 25, and 30 degrees C for both species; for T. sphingis 32.5 degrees C w...
Urias López, Mario Alfonso
Bellotti, Anthony C.
[Parasitismo y desarrollo de Trichogramma exiguum Pinto & Platner y Telenomus sphingis (Ashm) sobre Erinnyis ello (L.)]
Parasitismo y desarrollo de Trichogramma exiguum Pinto & Platner y Telenomus sphingis (Ashm) sobre Erinnyis ello (L.)
Greenhouse studies on pathogenic variability of Xanthomonas manihotis did not reveal the occurrence of distinct pathogenic races. The non-race status of the pathogen suggests that CBB could be well-controlled in the field by using known levels of genotype resistance in specific ecosystems and by ...
Elango, Fritz
Lozano, J.C.
[Pathogenic variability of Xanthomonas manihotis, the causal agent of cassava bacterial blight]
Pathogenic variability of Xanthomonas manihotis, the causal agent of cassava bacterial blight