The aim of the CCAFS Climate Change and Social Learning (CCSL) Initiative is to better understand and tap the potential of social learning for research on climate change, agriculture and food security. In June 2013, the CCSL “Plan-and- Writeshop” reviewed the prior 18 months of activities and pro...
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
[CCAFS Climate Change and Social Learning: Phase 2 concept note]
CCAFS Climate Change and Social Learning: Phase 2 concept note
Effective agricultural research for development (AR4D) faces many challenges that are exacerbated under climate change. Effective behaviours by AR4D programs may drive the likelihood and quality of positive outcomes when working with partners.Explicit principles about effective behaviours can imp...
Extreme climate events can undermine agriculture and rural development. Even in years when extreme events do not occur, the uncertainty that results from climate-related risk is an impediment to sustainable intensification of agriculture and adoption of climate-smart agricultural production pract...
Coffey, Kevin
Haile, Menghestab
Halperin, Mea
Wamukoya, George
Hansen, James
Kinyangi, James
Tesfaye Fantaye, Kindie
Dinesh, Dhanush
[Improving early warning systems for agricultural resilience in Africa]
Improving early warning systems for agricultural resilience in Africa
Agricultural landscapes must provide food, fiber and energy to
a growing population in a changing climate, while potentially
serving as instruments for climate change mitigation. Agriculture
is the backbone of the Kenyan economy, contributing approximately
25% of the GDP annually and employing mo...
Shames, Seth
Heiner, Krista
Kapukha, Martha
Wekesa, Amos
Recha, John W.M.
[Scaling up Sustainable Agriculture Land Management in Bungoma County, Kenya]
Scaling up Sustainable Agriculture Land Management in Bungoma County, Kenya
Analysis of agriculture in countries’ climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies finds: Most Parties to the UNFCCC include agriculture in their mitigation targets (80%) and adaptation strategies (64%); Non-annex 1 Parties note the need for international financial support to implement the...
Richards, Meryl
Gregersen L
Kuntze, V.
Madsen S
Oldvig MB
Campbell, Bruce M.
Vasileiou, Ioannis
[Agriculture's prominence in the INDCs]
Agriculture's prominence in the INDCs
Key messages: Participants in policy processes require constant communication and networking among stakeholders to be able to exploit the available policy windows. The review process requires a dynamic and engaging tool. The robustness of a review tool is one step toward having a good and fruitfu...
Muchunguzi, Perez
Ampaire, Edidah L.
Acosta, Mariola
Rutting, Lucas
Tumuhereze, Martin
Mwongera, Caroline
Okiror, John Francis
Asten, Piet J.A. van
[Scenario guided policy planning: processes, comparisons, and lessons from East Africa]
Scenario guided policy planning: processes, comparisons, and lessons from East Africa
The GreenSeeker Handheld crop sensor is an innovative diagnostic tool that farmers can use to improve their fertilizer use efficiency. Over the last decade, farmers in the Yaqui Valley, Sonora, Mexico, widely adopted the technology. Adoption led to significant increases in profits for farmers as ...
Lapidus, Daniel
Latané, Annah
Ortiz Monasterio, Ivan
Beach, Robert H.
Cárdenas Castañeda, María Elena
[The GreenSeeker Handheld: A Research Brief on Farmer Technology Adoption and Disadoption]
The GreenSeeker Handheld: A Research Brief on Farmer Technology Adoption and Disadoption
The climate-smart agriculture (CSA) concept reflects
an ambition to improve the integration of agriculture
development and climate responsiveness. It aims to
achieve food security and broader development goals
under a changing climate and increasing food demand.
CSA initiatives sustainably increa...
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
United States Agency for International Development
[Agriculture intelligente face au climat au Sénégal: Profils de pays AIC pour l'Afrique]
[Climate-Smart Agriculture in Senegal]
Climate-Smart Agriculture in Senegal
The climate-smart agriculture (CSA) concept reflects
an ambition to improve the integration of agriculture
development and climate responsiveness. It aims to
achieve food security and broader development goals
under a changing climate and increasing food demand.
CSA initiatives sustainably increa...
Lindahl, Johanna F.
Mutua, Florence
Grace, Delia
[Livestock interventions in low-income countries: What works and why?]
Livestock interventions in low-income countries: What works and why?