This brief summarizes findings of a climate-smart agriculture (CSA) research project led by the Amsterdam Center for World Food Studies (ACWFS) with the participation of the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) in East Africa, University of Nairobi (Scho...
Mumo, Elijah
[Diversification of livelihoods among small-scale farmers in the Nyando Basin, Kenya: Findings from a climate-smart agriculture baseline survey]
Diversification of livelihoods among small-scale farmers in the Nyando Basin, Kenya: Findings from a climate-smart agriculture baseline survey
L'économie du Niger repose principalement sur le secteur agricole qui contribue à 50% au produit intérieur brut (PIB). Ainsi, la vulnérabilité du secteur agricole au changement et aux aléas climatiques constitue une préoccupation majeure pour le développement du pays. La réponse au changement cli...
Ouédraogo, Mathieu
Zougmoré, Robert B.
Larwanou, Mahamane
Houessionon, Prosper
[Le Projet d'Appui à la Résilience Climatique pour un Développement Agricole Durable (PARC-DAD) au Niger est-il suffisamment climato-intelligent ? Résultats des analyses participatives des projets terrain du PARC-DAD au Niger]
Le Projet d'Appui à la Résilience Climatique pour un Développement Agricole Durable (PARC-DAD) au Niger est-il suffisamment climato-intelligent ? Résultats des analyses participatives des projets terrain du PARC-DAD au Niger
Tepary bean (Phaseolus acutifolius) is an interesting option for adapting bean production to climate change in Guatemala. Tepary bean is a well-adapted to arid conditions, exhibiting a high level of drought, heat, and cold tolerance and it is known to outperform common bean in hot environments. T...
Amaya, N.
Meldrum, G.
Padulosi, S.
Cifuentes, R.
[Identificación de oportunidades para la comercialización de frijol de la cadena de valor del frijol común]
Identificación de oportunidades para la comercialización de frijol de la cadena de valor del frijol común
Tepary bean (Phaseolus acutifolius) is an interesting option for adapting bean production to climate change in Guatemala. Tepary bean is a well-adapted to arid conditions, exhibiting a high level of drought, heat, and cold tolerance and it is known to outperform common bean in hot environments. T...
Amaya, N.
Meldrum, G.
Padulosi, S.
Cifuentes, R.
[Marketing prospects of tepary bean (Phaseolus acutifolius) in Guatemala through an analysis of common bean value chain]
Marketing prospects of tepary bean (Phaseolus acutifolius) in Guatemala through an analysis of common bean value chain
Para fortalecer las capacidades de mitigación de los impactos del cambio climático de los productores de ganado, es importante tomar en cuenta las relaciones de género que influyen en el sistema de producción. En los sistemas de producción de leche, carne y con ganado de doble propósito de Améric...
Gumucio, Tatiana
Mora Benard, María Alejandra
Clavijo, Mónica
Hernández, María Camila
Tafur, Mariana
Twyman, Jennifer
[Sistemas silvopastoriles en América Latina: Oportunidades de mitigación para hombres y mujeres que se dedican a la producción ganadera]
Sistemas silvopastoriles en América Latina: Oportunidades de mitigación para hombres y mujeres que se dedican a la producción ganadera
This study explores the different ways in which male and female street vendors respond to change and how their responses shape current informal food systems in Hanoi. The approach of this study facilitates an exploration of individual adaptability built upon the institutions of family and village...
Kawarazuka, Nozomi
[Building a resilient city for whom? Learning from street vendors' gendered responses to urbanisation in Hanoi.]
Building a resilient city for whom? Learning from street vendors' gendered responses to urbanisation in Hanoi.
Tepary bean (Phaseolus acutifolius) is a legume crop that originated in the southwestern USA and central Mexico and is grown as far south as El Salvador. Today most tepary bean is produced by subsistence farmers for household consumption but wider use of this crop has potential to support climate...
Bioversity International
Universidad del Valle de Guatemala
[Tepary bean: Nutritious and drought-hardy crop for climate adaptation in Mesoamerica]
Tepary bean: Nutritious and drought-hardy crop for climate adaptation in Mesoamerica
This policy brief describes the Local Initiatives for Biodiversity Research and Development (LI-BIRD) /Climate Change Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) experience of travelling seminar. The scaling Up of Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) technologies and practices beyond the pilot sites has bee...
Local Initiatives for Bio-diversity, Research and Development
[Scaling-Up Climate Smart Agricultural Technologies and Approaches Using Travelling Seminar as a Method and Tool in Nepal]
Scaling-Up Climate Smart Agricultural Technologies and Approaches Using Travelling Seminar as a Method and Tool in Nepal
Díaz, Manuel F.
Sellitti, Stefania
Ruzzante, Matteo
Charry, Andrés
Enciso, Karen
Burkart, Stefan
[Perceptions on climate change in Nicaragua: Evidence from higher education students]
Perceptions on climate change in Nicaragua: Evidence from higher education students
The brief discusses the key messages that transpired during the Conference on Scaling held on 29─30 November 2018 at the Melia Hotel in Hanoi, hosted by CCAFS SEA, co-hosted by ACIAR and GIZ, and funded by a CCAFS Small Grant Cross-CRP Networking. The conference main points include: scaling up ag...
Koerner, Jana
Woltering, Lennart
Uhlenbrock, Silke
Ohmstedt, Uwe
Zeiske, Felix
Sartas, Murat
Theissen, Arne H.
[The why, what, who and how of scaling agricultural innovations: Key messages from the CCAFS SEA and cross-CRP Scaling Conference, Hanoi 2018]
The why, what, who and how of scaling agricultural innovations: Key messages from the CCAFS SEA and cross-CRP Scaling Conference, Hanoi 2018