This study determines whether the establishment of tropical protected areas (PAs) has led to a reduction in deforestation within their boundaries or whether deforestation has been displaced to adjacent unprotected areas: a process termed neighbourhood leakage. We processed and analysed 98 corres...
Gaveau, D.L.A.
Epting, J.
Lyne, O.
Linkie, M.
Kumara, I.
Kanninen, M.
Leader-Williams, N.
[Evaluating whether protected areas reduce tropical deforestation in Sumatra]
Evaluating whether protected areas reduce tropical deforestation in Sumatra
This paper examines the interactions between state-led land reform, agrarian structures, and deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon. Land reform tends to promote land redistribution through regularization of smallholder land invasions of large-scale landholdings, and by redistribution of public la...
Pacheco, P.
[Agrarian reform in the Brazilian Amazon: its implications for land distribution and deforestation]
Agrarian reform in the Brazilian Amazon: its implications for land distribution and deforestation
Until the end of the nineteenth century primary forests covered nearly all the island of Sumatra. The first valorisation of this natural resource was hunting and gathering activities, followed by and later associated with swidden cultivation of upland rice. The industrial revolution in Europe and...
Feintrenie, L.
Levang, P.
[Sumatra’s rubber agroforests: advent, rise and fall of a sustainable cropping system]
Sumatra’s rubber agroforests: advent, rise and fall of a sustainable cropping system
Rural–urban migration can have both positive and negative environmental consequences for tropical forests. Rural residents exert pressure on the environment through farming, fishing, and forest extraction, yet conversely, protecting rural livelihoods is often the motivation for conserving large a...
Parry, L.
Day, B.
Amaral, S.
Peres, C.A.
[Drivers of rural exodus from Amazonian headwaters]
Drivers of rural exodus from Amazonian headwaters
Since the influential Stern Review on the economics of climate change (Stern 2006), many have seen avoiding deforestation of tropical forests as arguably the fastest way and cheaper to mitigate climate change. The idea is that the richest countries - which were the largest emitters of greenhouse ...
The increasing and alarming trend of degradation and deforestation of tropical peat swamp forests may contribute greatly to climate change. Estimates of carbon (C) losses associated with land use change in tropical peatlands are needed. To assess these losses we examined C stocks and peat C fluxe...
Hergoualc’h, Kristell
Verchot, Louis V.
[Stocks and fluxes of carbon associated with land use change in Southeast Asian tropical peatlands: a review]
Stocks and fluxes of carbon associated with land use change in Southeast Asian tropical peatlands: a review
Forests in lowland Bolivia suffer from severe deforestation caused by different types of agents and land use activities. We identify three major proximate causes of deforestation. The largest share of deforestation is attributable to the expansion of mechanized agriculture, followed by cattle ran...
Muller, R.
Muller, D.
Schierhorn, F.
Gerold, G.
Pacheco, P.
[Proximate causes of deforestation in the Bolivian lowlands: an analysis of spatial dynamics]
Proximate causes of deforestation in the Bolivian lowlands: an analysis of spatial dynamics
This paper analysis the effects of technological change in agriculture on forest clearing by households in developing countries. The possible effects are found to be many and diverse, depending on the type of change and the institutional context. It concludes that agricultural intensification is ...
Soest, D.P. van
Bulte, E.H.
Angelsen, A.
Kooten, G.C. van
[Technological change and tropical deforestation: a perspective at the household level]
Technological change and tropical deforestation: a perspective at the household level
This paper analyzes geo-referenced data to elucidate the relations between deforestation and access to roads and markets, attributes of the physical environment, land tenure, and zoning policies in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. It presents separate models for Santa Cruz as a whole and for seven different ...
Mertens, B.
Kaimowitz, D.
Puntodewo, A.
Vanclay, J.K.
Mendez, P.
[Modeling deforestation at distinct geographic scales and time periods in Santa Cruz, Bolivia]
Modeling deforestation at distinct geographic scales and time periods in Santa Cruz, Bolivia
Extractive reserves constitute an innovative approach to match conservation and development objectives, which were originally envisaged as part of a land struggle by forest dwellers in Brazil. In spite of the idea’s popularity and the attempts to apply the concept to different tropical regions, t...
Ruiz Perez, M.
Almeida, M.
Dewi, S.
Costa, E.M.L.
Pantoja, M.C.
Puntodewo, A.
Postigo, A.A.
Andrade, A.G. de
[Conservation and development in Amazonian extractive reserves: the case of Alto Jurua]
Conservation and development in Amazonian extractive reserves: the case of Alto Jurua