During this lecture, the Peter Doherty Distinguished Lecturer Mr. Amoako, tried to convey his idea of sustainable development and why it has declined in Africa over the last 30 years. He argues that sustainability is a direct function of institutional development, human and physical capital accum...
Amoako, K.Y.
[Harnessing technologies for sustainable development in Africa. Fifth annual Peter Doherty Distinguished Lecture]
Harnessing technologies for sustainable development in Africa. Fifth annual Peter Doherty Distinguished Lecture
Le module de politique relatif à la plateforme du CGIAR sur les banques de gènes, en collaboration avec ICARDA, a organisé l’« Atelier de renforcement des capacités des chercheurs des centres du CGIAR et des SNRA à aborder les questions relatives aux politiques dans le domaine des ressources géné...
CGIAR Genebank Platform
[Atelier de renforcement des capacites des chercheurs des centres du CGIAR et des SNRA a aborder les questions relatives aux politiques dans le domaine des ressources genetiques, 27-30 novembre 2017, ICARDA, Rabat, Maroc]
Atelier de renforcement des capacites des chercheurs des centres du CGIAR et des SNRA a aborder les questions relatives aux politiques dans le domaine des ressources genetiques, 27-30 novembre 2017, ICARDA, Rabat, Maroc
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[CIAT’s Partnership with the United States: Agricultural Research for Resilient Communities]
CIAT’s Partnership with the United States: Agricultural Research for Resilient Communities
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Aldeas de Honduras: Población en 1988 a nivel de aldeas y proyección para 1993 y el año 2000]
Aldeas de Honduras: Población en 1988 a nivel de aldeas y proyección para 1993 y el año 2000
Note full title of report is: Community Seed banks: Sharing experiences from North and South. Report from a side event held 1 November 2017 during the Seventh Session of the Governing Body of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture in Kigali, Rwanda. Paris: DI...
Andersen, R.
Shrestha, P.
Otieno, G.
Nishikawa, Y.
Kasasa, P.
Mushita, A.
[Community seed banks: sharing experiences from North and South.]
Community seed banks: sharing experiences from North and South.
The participation of CIAT in the agroindustrialization of dried cassava in Colombia is briefly indicated. Main area of influence has been on the Atlantic Coast, where an integrated approach to production, processing, and marketing has been employed. The project consists of 3 phases: (1) exptl. ph...
Strategies, achievements, and challenges in bean research at CIAT are analyzed and discussed. Research strategy emphasis has been to reduce losses caused by diseases and pests. This strategy has, in general, not lead to yield increases. A change in research emphasis is, therefore, proposed. This ...
Schoonhoven, Aart van
[Strategies, achievements and challanges in bean research; the CIAT perspective]
Strategies, achievements and challanges in bean research; the CIAT perspective
The results of a survey among 506 cassava middlemen (wholesalers and retailers) to investigate the rural and urban marketing structure for fresh cassava, in the departments of Atlantico, Bolivar, Cordoba, and Sucre (Colombia), are discussed. The course of fresh cassava from the farmer to the cons...
Janssen, W.
[El comercio de la yuca fresca en los Departamentos de Atlantico, Bolivar, Cordoba y Sucre]
El comercio de la yuca fresca en los Departamentos de Atlantico, Bolivar, Cordoba y Sucre
The results of a survey among 480 housewives of rural and urban centers in the departments of Atlantico, Bolivar, Cordoba, and Sucre (Colombia) on fresh cassava consumption are presented. The consumption of cassava and yam decreases from rural to urban areas due to factors related to deterioratio...
Janssen, W.
[El consumo de la yuca fresca en los Departamentos de Atlantico, Bolivar, Cordoba y Sucre]
El consumo de la yuca fresca en los Departamentos de Atlantico, Bolivar, Cordoba y Sucre