This Info Note explores major barriers for effective climate change policy implementation in Ghana, Mali and Senegal with a particular focus on agriculture and food systems. It aims to provide insights to researchers, policy makers and development practitioners working on climate change issues an...
Totin, Edmond
Sibiry Traoré, Pierre C.
Zougmoré, Robert B.
Homann-Kee Tui, Sabine
Tabo, Ramadjita
Schubert, Cecilia
[Barriers to effective climate change policy development and implementation in West Africa]
Barriers to effective climate change policy development and implementation in West Africa
CCAFS work on climate services seeks to bridge the gap between National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHS) and agricultural users, and engage the agricultural sector institutions. Our research targets key gaps in knowledge, methods, tools and evidence. We offer CGIAR expertise and ex...
Transitioning to climate-smart agriculture (CSA) in the African context requires a transformational architecture — a systematic shift away from business as usual and a comprehensive programme for building the adaptive capacity of physical, socio-economic, human and institutional dimensions of far...
Agriculture is a sector particularly vulnerable to climate change, which impacts livelihoods, especially that of the world’s poorest people. This places increased strain on global food systems, more than ever since expectations for meeting demand for food will change tremendously within the next ...
Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement
[The Montpellier Statement. Climate-Smart Agriculture: Towards Sustainable Landscapes and Food Systems.]
The Montpellier Statement. Climate-Smart Agriculture: Towards Sustainable Landscapes and Food Systems.
This extensive project has struck up collaborations across Latin America to assist policy makers
incorporate the latest climate and agriculture science and tools in national adaptation and mitigation plans.
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
[Supporting climate-resilient food systems policies and institutions in Latin America]
Supporting climate-resilient food systems policies and institutions in Latin America
Schut, Marc
[Integrated analysis of complex agricultural problems and identification of entry points for innovation in agrifood systems]
Integrated analysis of complex agricultural problems and identification of entry points for innovation in agrifood systems
En Nicaragua el café ocupa el tercer lugar de la superficie cultivada (11%) y, después del maíz y del frijol, es el rubro agrícola que más contribuye al PIB (10%). El 96% de las fincas cafetaleras están en manos de pequeños productores (menos de 20 manzanas1), los cuales representan un 50% del ár...
Bedmar Villanueva, A.
López Noriega, Isabel
Bucardo, E.
Zonneveld, M. van
[Caficultura y cambio climático en Nicaragua: Refexiones sobre el papel de las políticas públicas y las cooperativas]
Caficultura y cambio climático en Nicaragua: Refexiones sobre el papel de las políticas públicas y las cooperativas
Key Messages
• A governance approach, combining public policy and private initiatives was effective in slowing down deforestation, but
was unable to support a transition to more sustainable production systems.
• New technical intensification models must be identified for low-productivity systems...
Pacheco, Pablo
Piketty, Marie-Gabrielle
Poccard-Chapuis, Rene
García Drigo, Isabel
El Husny, Jamil Chaar
Gomes, Mario
Tourrand, Jean François
[Beyond zero deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon Progress and remaining challenges to sustainable cattle intensification]
Beyond zero deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon Progress and remaining challenges to sustainable cattle intensification
Preliminary results from climate change adaptation and mitigation initiatives in the Nyando climate-smart villages. Key messages include: shift in farming techniques reduces number of households eating one or no meals each day, households adopt three to five crop innovations and above, greatly ex...
Kinyangi, James
Recha, John W.M.
Kimeli, Philip
Atakos, Vivian
[Preliminary results from climate change adaptation and mitigation initiatives in the Nyando climate-smart villages]
[Climate-smart villages and the hope of food secure households]
Climate-smart villages and the hope of food secure households