Biosciences offer the opportunity for many regions in Africa to produce surplus food for the first time. Without biosciences research within African agriculture will face a difficult future. The Bio-Innovate program is therefore important because it will stimulate new industries that are linked t...
International Livestock Research Institute
[Bioscience will be the key that allows Africa to feed itself]
Bioscience will be the key that allows Africa to feed itself
Gabrielle Persley pointed out that funding of 10 million US dollars over 5 years will allow projects sponsored by Bio-Innovate to reach the critical mass of financial, agricultural and research resources needed to tackle large-scale regional challenges such as climate change and environmental deg...
In this film, Jimmy Smith, the director general of the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), talks about the global development agenda and the roles of livestock, and ILRI within it.
This Other presents a film produced in the Ghibe valley on trypanosomosis control. It starts with an introduction by Dr John McDermot; and comprises a film; a film with explanatory commentary; and a complete english sub-titles for the film or film with commentary.
Dr. Robert Hijmans, Director of the Geospatial and Farming Systems Research Consortium of the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Collaborative Research on Sustainable Intensification, presents his project to the SIIL community. Filmed in January 2016.
Hijmans R.J.
[2016 SIIL Annual Meeting - Geospatial and Farming Systems Research Consortium]
2016 SIIL Annual Meeting - Geospatial and Farming Systems Research Consortium
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[La diáspora colombiana de personal ex-CIAT: un activo para la investigacion y el desarrollo]
La diáspora colombiana de personal ex-CIAT: un activo para la investigacion y el desarrollo
Peter Doherty, Nobel Prize Laureate for Physiology or Medicine–1996, and ILRI patron, speaks about his earlier work with ILRAD, ILCA and ILRI and their contributions to livestock research in Africa. Filmed in September 2016.
En entrevista, Sara María Campos, supervisora del Ministerio de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural, compartió algunas de las recomendaciones para el avance de los proyectos de investigación y validación que se llevan a cabo en el marco del Convenio.
Seyoum Leta (Bio-Innovate, Program Manager) elaborated that East Africa has never had the facilities, funding or skilled manpower to undertake agricultural science on a scale that could move from research all the way to new technologies for farmers. Bio-Innovate is a new program aiming to provide...
Leta, S.
[Bio-Innovate: Addressing the missing link between research and innovation]
Bio-Innovate: Addressing the missing link between research and innovation
International Livestock Research Institute
[David Spielman of IFPRI on livestock research priorities]
David Spielman of IFPRI on livestock research priorities