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World Health Assembly, 8[Proceedings and reports relating to international quarantine: supplement to official records no. 63: eighth World Health Assembly: second annual report of the Director-General on International Sanitary Regulations: second report of the Committee on International Quarantine: relevant proceedings of the eighth World Health Assembly (May 1955)]

Asamblea Mundial de la Salud, 65[Aplicación del Reglamento Sanitario Internacional (2005): informe de la Directora General]

World Health OrganizationCandau, Marcolino Gomes[The work of WHO, 1954: annual report of the Director-General to the World Health Assembly and to the United Nations]

World Health Assembly, 7[Proceedings and reports relating to international quarantine: supplement to official records no. 55: seventh World Health Assembly: annual report of the Director-General on International Sanitary Regulations: first report of the Committee on International Quarantine: relevant proceedings of the seventh World Health Assembly]

Executive Board, 13[Executive Board, thirteenth session, Geneva, 12 January--2 February 1954: part I: resolutions and decisions: part III: organizational study on programme analysis and evaluation: annexes, Organizational study on programme analysis and evaluation]

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