La literatura chilena, desde la segunda mitad del siglo XX hasta
las primera décadas del siglo XXI, ha producido un corpus
importante de textos programáticos (manifiestos, proclamas y artes
poéticas). Entre ellos destacan “Déjenlo todo, nuevamente” de
Roberto Bolaño y “¿Qué es el paraíso?” de Raú...
From the second half of the 20th century to the first decades of
the 21st century, Chilean literature has produced an important
array of manifestoes, proclamations and poetic creations. Among
them Roberto Bolaño’s “Déjenlo todo nuevamente” and Raúl
Zurita’s “¿Qué es el paraíso?” stand out. This r...
Sepúlveda Eriz, Magda
[From the Lone Ranger to the reviewer of life. Programmatic texts from Bolaño and Zurita]
[Del Llanero solitario al corrector de la vida. Textos programáticos de Bolaño y Zurita]
Del Llanero solitario al corrector de la vida. Textos programáticos de Bolaño y Zurita
El presente artículo tiene como objetivo estudiar la obra
cinematográfica de Cristián Sánchez durante la dictadura militar
chilena (1975-1990), aproximándonos al tema del espectro y de
los fantasmas desde tres lugares: primero, a partir de la dicotomía
establecida entre dentro y fuera del campo, ...
This article has as its objective to navigate the films made by
Cristián Sanchez during the chilean military dictatorship (1975-
1990), as an approximation to the topic of the spectre from three
directions. In the first place, from the dichotomy between inside
and outside (of the visual field), t...
Urrutia, Carolina
[Sound, suspense and phantasmagoria in Cristián Sánchez cinema]
[Sonoridad, suspenso y fantasmagoría en el cine de Cristián Sánchez]
Sonoridad, suspenso y fantasmagoría en el cine de Cristián Sánchez
Este artículo busca establecer los principios y fundamentos
teóricos que hicieron del tratado de Jonás de Orleans una de las
primeras sistematizaciones del pensamiento político medieval,
para entender el peso de la autoridad episcopal en un discurso que construye la trama de lo legítimo y lo ile...
This article seeks to establish the principles and theoretical
foundations that made the treaty of Jonás of Orleans one of
the earliest systematisations of medieval political thought. Our
particular interest lies in understanding the weight of episcopal
authority reflected in a discourse that bui...
Zamora Navia, Patricio
[The office of the king in Jonas of Orleans. Episcopal discourse and political culture in the Frankish kingdom of the 9th century]
[El oficio del rey en Jonás de Orleans. Discurso episcopal y cultura política en el reino franco del siglo IX]
El oficio del rey en Jonás de Orleans. Discurso episcopal y cultura política en el reino franco del siglo IX
Esta investigación analiza las características de la publicidad de
las pompas fúnebres en Santiago, mostrando los diversos servicios
que ofrecieron, además de el desarrollo y las contradicciones de
este comercio sobre la muerte. A través del estudio de la prensa
abordamos los avisajes como catali...
In this research the characteristics of the publicity of the funeral
trade in Santiago are analyzed, showing the diverse services
that they offered, the development and the contradictions of a
trade on the death. Through the study of the press we approach
the warnings as catalysts of the discours...
Chávez, Pablo
Soto Lara, José Julián
[Mortuary advertising and regulation of funerals: an approach from the press of Santiago (1862-1917)]
[Publicidad mortuoria y regulación de funerales: una aproximación desde la prensa santiaguina (1862-1917)]
Publicidad mortuoria y regulación de funerales: una aproximación desde la prensa santiaguina (1862-1917)
La figura de Cornelius Castoriadis y su propuesta de interpretación
de la Grecia antigua se enmarcan de manera singular en la historia
de una recepción cultural polivalente: la del modelo helénico
diseñado en la Alemania del siglo XVIII y su rendimiento
sociocultural en la Europa de los siglos XI...
Cornelius Castoriadis and his interpretation of ancient Greece
belong to the history of a polyvalent cultural reception: the one
of the Hellenic paradigm constructed in Germany´s XVIIIth
century and its socio-cultural efficiency in Europe during XIXth
and XXth centuries. Within these limits, Cast...
de los Ríos, Iván
[“…But nothing more terrible than man” : Democracy, Philosophy and tragedy in Castoriadis’s Greece]
[“…Pero nada más terrible que el hombre”: democracia, filosofía y tragedia en la Grecia de Castoriadis]
“…Pero nada más terrible que el hombre”: democracia, filosofía y tragedia en la Grecia de Castoriadis
Renibacterium salmoninarum, a slow-growing facultative intracellular pathogen belonging to the high C+G content Actinobacteria phylum, is the causative agent of bacterial kidney disease, a progressive granulomatous infection affecting salmonids worldwide. This Gram-positive bacterium has existed ...
Bethke, J.
Yáñez, A.J.
Avendaño-Herrera, R.
[Comparative genomic analysis of two Chilean Renibacterium salmoninarum isolates and the type strain ATCC 33209T]
Comparative genomic analysis of two Chilean Renibacterium salmoninarum isolates and the type strain ATCC 33209T
Aims. The windows of low extinction in the Milky Way (MW) plane are rare but important because they enable us to place structural constraints on the opposite side of the Galaxy, which has hither to been done rarely. Methods. We use the near-infrared (near-IR) images of the VISTA Variables in the ...
Minniti, D.
Saito, R.K.
Gonzalez, O.A.
Alonso-García, J.
Rejkuba, M.
Barbá, R.
Irwin, M.
Kammers, R.
Lucas, P.W.
Majaess, D.
Valenti, E.
[A new near-IR window of low extinction in the Galactic plane]
A new near-IR window of low extinction in the Galactic plane
Defects in protein glycosylation can have a dramatic impact on eukaryotic cells and is associated with mental and developmental pathologies in humans. The studies outlined below illustrate how a basic biochemical problem in the mechanisms of protein glycosylation, specifically substrate transport...
Hirschberg, C.B.
[My journey in the discovery of nucleotide sugar transporters of the Golgi apparatus]
My journey in the discovery of nucleotide sugar transporters of the Golgi apparatus
The hip abductor muscles are vitally important for pelvis stability, and common strength deficits can negatively affect functionality. The muscle strength can be measured using different dynamometers and be evaluated in three positions (side-lying, standing, and supine). Obtained strength data ca...
Vega, E.C.
Jerez-Mayorga, D.
Payer, R.M.
Jara, C.C.
Guzman-Guzman, I.
Ponce, A.R.
Chirosa, L.J.
[Validity and reliability of evaluating hip abductor strength using different normalization methods in a functional electromechanical device]
Validity and reliability of evaluating hip abductor strength using different normalization methods in a functional electromechanical device
Widespread gas venting along the Cascadia margin is investigated from acoustic water column data and reveals a nonuniform regional distribution of over 1100 mapped acoustic flares. The highest number of flares occurs on the shelf, and the highest flare density is seen around the nutrition-rich ou...
Riedel, M.
Scherwath, M.
Römer, M.
Veloso, M.
Heesemann, M.
Spence, G.D.
[Distributed natural gas venting offshore along the Cascadia margin]
Distributed natural gas venting offshore along the Cascadia margin