Undisturbed lowland primary forest in Kutai, East Kalimantan is usually distinguished by dominance of dipterocarp species in number of individuals, in basal area and by their emergence to more than 50 m in height. Forests in most lowland concession areas have been logged selectively and suffered ...
Mori, T.
[Rehabilitation of degraded forests in lowland Kutai, East Kalimantan, Indonesia]
Rehabilitation of degraded forests in lowland Kutai, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
This information and dataset system aims to facilitate international exchange and synthesis of the scientific and technical information based on results of the CIFOR/Japan project on the rehabilitation of degraded tropical forest ecosystems. There are two main pathways. One path integrates genera...
Anazawa, M.
Sawada, H.
Kobayashi, S.
[Information and dataset system on the rehabilitation of degraded tropical forest ecosystems project for international network]
Information and dataset system on the rehabilitation of degraded tropical forest ecosystems project for international network
Large scale, catastrophic fires have become a significant and visible part of the tropical forest landscape in the past two decades with increased commercial exploitation of forests, forest conversion and increased population pressure. Secondary forests are an increasingly prominent feature of tr...
Dennis, R.A.
Hoffmann, A.
Applegate, G.
Gemmingen, G. von
Kartawinata, K.
[Large-scale fire: creator and destroyer of secondary forests in Western Indonesia]
Large-scale fire: creator and destroyer of secondary forests in Western Indonesia
Most forests in Sri Lanka are secondary, are mostly confined to the dry and intermediate zones of the country, and arise out of swidden agriculture. The majority of secondary forests which regenerate after swidden farming in the dry parts of Sri Lanka are grown from vegetative parts, that are fro...
The persistent physical, chemical and biological limitations found in degraded forest lands create barriers to natural forest regeneration; an accurate assessment of these factors is key in determining which rehabilitation interventions will be necessary, based on the objectives of the interventi...
Lasco, R.D.
Carandang, A.P.
Chokkalingam, U.
Pulhin, J.M.
Razal, R.A.
Acosta, R.T.
Natividad, M.Q.
Peras, R.J.J.
[Bottlenecks and recommended actions: stakeholder perspectives from Regions III, VII and XI]
Bottlenecks and recommended actions: stakeholder perspectives from Regions III, VII and XI
Chokkalingam, U.
Pulhin, J.M.
Carandang, A.P.
Peras, R.J.J.
Lasco, R.D.
Natividad, M.Q.
[Outcomes and sustainability: lessons from the ground]
Outcomes and sustainability: lessons from the ground