This summary Report presents recent demand and supply trends in the dairy sector of Kenya in the 1990s, to highlight the consequences of liberalization and macroeconomic factors. Sections discuss: the evolution of policies in the dairy sector in Kenya; supply factors in the dairy sector (producti...
Staal, Steven J.
Waithaka, M.M.
Owour, G. A.
Herrero, Mario T.
[Demand and supply changes in the livestock sector and their impact on smallholders: The case of dairying in Kenya]
Demand and supply changes in the livestock sector and their impact on smallholders: The case of dairying in Kenya
Food production from livestock in small farm systems for urban populations is discussed in the context of projected human population increase, market-led demand, rising incomes, and changing consumer preferences. These will accelerate the demand for food in the future and access to it, which in t...
Devendra, C.
[Food production from livestock in small farm systems for urban populations in South East Asia]
Food production from livestock in small farm systems for urban populations in South East Asia
In the Ethiopian context of economic transition period and high urban population growth (3,8 percent ), the problem of supply of dairy products to Addis-Ababa is addressed through research results produced by CIRAD-EMVT and its partners in Ethiopia (ILCA, ILCI, NARS). The paper discusses the ...
Bonnet, P.
Duteurtre, G.
[Diagnostic de la filiere laitiere bovine a destination d'Addis-Abeba. Bilan sur les componsantes periurbaine et urbaine]
Diagnostic de la filiere laitiere bovine a destination d'Addis-Abeba. Bilan sur les componsantes periurbaine et urbaine
Animal trypanosomosis is particularly important in Ethipia where 7-10 million cattle are at risk. A geo-referenced census of over 5000 households was conducted between March and July 1996 to better understand factors affecting demand of the a cypermethrin pour-ons used since January 1991 to contr...
Wangila, J.
Swallow, B.M.
Tesfamichael, N.
Okello, O.
Kruska, R.L.
[Factors affecting farmer demand and pour-on treatments in Ethiopia]
Factors affecting farmer demand and pour-on treatments in Ethiopia
International Livestock Research Institute
[Lessons from a changing world: Implications for livestock research and development]
Lessons from a changing world: Implications for livestock research and development
This document is based on the deliberations and outputs of two ILCA in-house workshops held in 1992, and of numerous individual contributions by ILCA scientists. This work has similarities with the ILCA project on smallholder market-oriented dairying. Factors influencing development of market-ori...
Rey, B.
Thorpe, W.R.
Smith, Jimmy W.
Shapiro, Barry I.
Osuji, P.O.
Mullins, G.
Agyemang, K.
[Amelioration de la production laitiere en vue de satisfaire la demande croissante des consommateurs en Afrique subsaharienne]
Amelioration de la production laitiere en vue de satisfaire la demande croissante des consommateurs en Afrique subsaharienne
Expenditure elasticities were estimated for yam and cassava and for seven other food items widely consumed by the people of south-east Nigeria. For all households, the combined elasticity estimate for yam was above unity and almost as high as that of meat. For high expenditure households, however...
Nweke, F.I.
Okorji, E.C.
Njoku, J.E.
King, D.J.
[Expenditure elasticities of demand for major food items in south-east Nigeria]
Expenditure elasticities of demand for major food items in south-east Nigeria
Ordinola, M.
Fonseca, C.
Vela, A.M.
Devaux, A.
[Desarrollando innovaciones para la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional con base en la biodiversidad.]
Desarrollando innovaciones para la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional con base en la biodiversidad.
While much of the literature on future food consumption in India in the decades ahead focuses on cereals, this paper presents estimates of potato demand to the year 2030 according to three different scenarios. Estimated increases in total food demand for potato range from 20 to 30 million metric ...
Scott, Gregory J.
Petsakos, A.
Suarez, V.
[Not by bread alone: Estimating potato demand in India in 2030]
Not by bread alone: Estimating potato demand in India in 2030
Seré Rabé, Carlos
Estrada, Rubén Darío
[Efecto potencial del sorgo granífero en los sistemas agropecuarios de las regiones de suelos ácidos del trópico Latinoamericano]
Efecto potencial del sorgo granífero en los sistemas agropecuarios de las regiones de suelos ácidos del trópico Latinoamericano