In this book, CIFOR explores the trends, opportunities, problems and challenges of forest decentralization in Guatemala, identifying its consequences particularly for its rural indigenous population and small-scale foresters, and proposing a research and action agenda that would promote increased...
Larson, A.M.
Miguel Barrios, J.
[Descentralizacion forestal y estrategias de vida en Guatemala]
Descentralizacion forestal y estrategias de vida en Guatemala
In this book, CIFOR analyses trends, opportunities, problems and challenges of forestry decentralization in Nicaragua, identifying its consequences particularly for poor forest-dependent groups, and proposing a research and action agenda for the democratic governance of forest resources in consul...
Larson, A.M.
[Los grupos marginados, la descentralizacion y el sector forestal en Nicaragua]
Los grupos marginados, la descentralizacion y el sector forestal en Nicaragua
The most prominent international responses to climate change focus on mitigation (reducing the accumulation of greenhouse gases) rather than adaptation (reducing the vulnerability of society and ecosystems). However, with climate change now inevitable, adaptation is gaining importance in the poli...
Locatelli, Bruno
Kanninen, M.
Brockhaus, M.
Colfer, C.J.P.
Murdiyarso, Daniel
Santoso, H.
[Face à un avenir incertain: comment les forêts et les populations peuvent s’adapter au changement climatique]
Face à un avenir incertain: comment les forêts et les populations peuvent s’adapter au changement climatique
Penerbitan buku ini dimaksudkan sebagai bahan refleksi tentang kondisi zonasi Taman Nasional (TN) pada saat ini. Penerbitan buku ini diharapkan juga dapat memberi sumbangan pada wacana yang masih terus bergulir tentang zonasi TN, terutama zona khusus, sehingga membantu mencapai mimpi keseimbangan...
Moeliono, M.
Limberg, G.
Minnigh, P.
Mulyana, A.
Indriatmoko, Y.
Utomo, N.A.
Hamzah, A.
Iwan, R.
Purwanto, E.
[Meretas kebuntuan: konsep dan panduan pengembangan zona khusus bagi Taman Nasional di Indonesia]
Meretas kebuntuan: konsep dan panduan pengembangan zona khusus bagi Taman Nasional di Indonesia
The links between human rights and biodiversity and natural resource conservation are many and complex. The conservation community is being challenged to take stronger measures to respect human rights and is taking opportunities to further their realisation. ‘Rights-based approaches’ (RBAs) to co...
Campese, J.
Sunderland, T.C.H.
Greiber, T.
Oviedo, G.
[Rights-based approaches: Exploring issues and opportunities for conservation]
Rights-based approaches: Exploring issues and opportunities for conservation
Colfer, C.J.P.
Capistrano, D.
[The politics of decentralization: forests, people and power]
The politics of decentralization: forests, people and power
Mery, G.
Alfaro, R.I.
Kanninen, M.
Lobovikov, M.
[Forests in the global balance - changing paradigms]
Forests in the global balance - changing paradigms
This book is a compilation of the abstracts of in-house and external publications produced in the year 2002 by CIFOR scientists and their collaborators. The abstracts are grouped into seven themes: general, biodiversity, forest governance and community forestry, forest management, non-timber fore...