Popular concern about tropical deforestation largely drove the rapid growth in forestry assistance in recent years. Nevertheless, forestry assistance has had limited impact on forest clearing and much of it has gone to address other problems. To reduce inappropriate deforestation requires a combi...
Kaimowitz, D.
[Forestry assistance and tropical deforestation: why the public doesn't get what it pays for]
Forestry assistance and tropical deforestation: why the public doesn't get what it pays for
Monitoring and research activities may hinder rather than improve conservation in tropical countries. Those concerned with conservation - particularly academics and aid agencies - too often overlook the practical realities of achieving conservation in the tropics. As a result, many initiatives di...
Sheil, Douglas
Nasi, Robert
[Recherche et conservation: realities, priorites et distraction]
Recherche et conservation: realities, priorites et distraction
Market mechanisms for forest environmental services are a new approach for conservation, but there is also an increasing interest in the derived developmental benefits of these mechanisms. We first propose a conceptual framework for future research on the livelihood impacts of environmental servi...
Grieg-Gran, M.
Porras, I.
Wunder, Sven
[How can market mechanisms for forest environmental services help the poor?: preliminary Lessons from Latin America]
How can market mechanisms for forest environmental services help the poor?: preliminary Lessons from Latin America
At a global scale the area devoted to agricultural cultivation that depends upon insect pollination has grown steadily and, therefore, an increased demand of this service would be expected. However, lack of pollinators is not always an essential factor in the productive system at farm level. The ...
Calle, Z.
Guariguata, M.R.
Giraldo, E.
Chará, J.
[La producción de maracuyá (passiflora edulis) en Colombia: perspectivas para la conservación del hábitat a través del servicio de polinización]
La producción de maracuyá (passiflora edulis) en Colombia: perspectivas para la conservación del hábitat a través del servicio de polinización
The resettlement of people from human-inhabited protected areas (HIPAs) is a contentious point in the people-and-parks debate. This article illustrates the setbacks that can arise from conservation-and-development projects where these two realms of local reality are separated through resettlement...
Diaw, C.
Tiani, A.M.
[Fences in our heads: a discourse analysis of the korup resettlement stalemate]
Fences in our heads: a discourse analysis of the korup resettlement stalemate
The Kuri is a rare, little known breed of cattle of the Hamitic Longhorn (Bos taurus longifrons) type which is found on the islands and shores of Lake Chad Basin in the area covering the common borders of Cameroon, Chad, Niger and Nigeria. It is taller and more massive than its longhorn counterpa...
Tawah, C.L.
Rege, J.E.O.
Aboagye, G.S.
[A close look at a rare African breed - the Kuri cattle of Lake Chad Basin: Origin, distribution, production and adaptive characteristics]
A close look at a rare African breed - the Kuri cattle of Lake Chad Basin: Origin, distribution, production and adaptive characteristics
Gaisberger, H.
Kindt, Roeland
Loo, J.
Schmidt, M.
Bognounou, F.
Da, S.S.
Diallo, O.B.
Ganaba, S.
Gnoumou, A.
Lompo, D.
Lykke, A.M.
Mbayngone, E.
Nacoulma, B.M.I.
Ouédraogo, M.
Ouédraogo, O.
Parkouda, C.
Porembski, S.
Savadogo, P.
Thiombiano, A.
Zerbo, G.
Vinceti, B.
[Spatially explicit multi-threat assessment of food tree species in Burkina Faso: A fine-scale approach]
Spatially explicit multi-threat assessment of food tree species in Burkina Faso: A fine-scale approach
Sedano Cruz, Raúl Ernesto
[Los humedales y la ocupación de aves en los cultivos de arroz]
Los humedales y la ocupación de aves en los cultivos de arroz
Natural resource-related conflicts between local communities and nation states can be extremely destructive. Worldwide, interest is growing in gaining a better understanding of why and how these conflicts originate, particularly in protected areas inhabited by local communities. The literature on...
Pourcq, K. de
Thomas, E.
Elias, M.
Damme, P. van
[Exploring park–people conflicts in Colombia through a social lens]
Exploring park–people conflicts in Colombia through a social lens
Padmanaba, M.
Sheil, D.
Basuki, I
Liswanti, N.
[Accessing local knowledge to identify where species of conservation concern occur in a tropical forest landscape]
Accessing local knowledge to identify where species of conservation concern occur in a tropical forest landscape