Web blight, caused by the fungus Thanatephorus cucumeris, is prevalent in tropical regions with high to moderate temp. and RH; more than 200 plant species serve as hosts to this pathogen. Hyphae can grow rapidly over healthy tissue of leaves, flowers, petioles, and pods. For efficient control, th...
La mustia hilachosa, causada por el hongo Thanatephorus cucumeris, prevalece en las regiones tropicales con una temp. y HR entre moderada y alta; mas de 200 especies vegetales le sirven de hospedante al patogeno. Las hifas del hongo pueden crecer rapidamente en el tejido sano de las hojas, flores...
A description is given of the different manners in which insecticide toxicity is expressed (lethal dose, continuous dose, lethal time, lethal concn., and effective dose), insect resistance to chemicals, insecticide types, application, and the role of chemical control in integrated pest control. I...
Se describen las diferentes formas en que se expresa la toxicidad de los insecticidas (dosis letal, dosis continua, tiempo letal, concn. letal y dosis efectiva), la resistencia de los insectos a los productos quimicos, tipos de insecticidas, aplicacion y el papel del control quimico en el control...
In Bolivia cassava is grown in 4 large areas, Beni-Pando, Yungas, Santa Cruz, and Chapare, where soils are mostly Inceptisols with some Entisols in the lowlands; Ultisols and Inceptisols predominate in the Yungas area. Currently 47,000 ha are planted to cassava in the country, with av. yields of ...
En Bolivia la yuca se cultiva en 4 grandes zonas, Beni-Pando, Yungas, Santa Cruz y Chapare, con suelos en su mayoria Inseptisoles con algunos Entisoles en las zonas bajas; en Yungas dominan los Ultisoles e Inseptisoles. Actualmente se siembran 47,000 ha en todo el pais, con un prom. de rendimient...
Beans are grown and consumed in all of the 34 districts of Uganda. Areas outside the highland and fertile crescent zones account for over 60 percent of the country's production. Increased production over the past 10 years has been through area expansion rather than increased yield. Production con...
El frijol se cultiva y consume en los 34 distritos de Uganda. Las areas fuera de las regiones montanosas y de la creciente fertil contribuyen con mas del 60 por ciento de la produccion del pais. Los incrementos de la produccion durante los ultimos 10 anos se han debido mas a la expansion de las a...
Male-Kayiwa, B.S.
[Review of bean production in Uganda outside the highland and fertile crescent zones]
Review of bean production in Uganda outside the highland and fertile crescent zones
During 1984 a collaborative research effort between CIAT and the National Vegetable Research Station (Wellesbourne, England) was started to broaden the knowledge of halo blight caused by Pseudomonas phaseolicola. Isolates of the halo blight pathogen were collected from bean growing areas of Latin...
Durante 1984 se inicio un esfuerzo de investigacion coloborativo entre CIAT y National Vegetable Research Station (Wellesbourne, Inglaterra), para ampliar el conocimiento del anublo de halo causado por Pseudomonas phaseolicola. Se recolectaron aislamientos del patogeno del anublo de halo en areas...
The main activities of bean virology at CIAT in 1984 involved screening for BCMV dominant resistance (selection of homozygous BCMV resistant lines), BCMV multiple gene resistance, BCMV recessive gene immunity, and the management and prognosis of other important viral diseases of beans involving t...
Las principales actividades sobre virologia de frijol en CIAT durante 1984 incluyeron seleccion por resistencia dominante al BCMV (seleccion de lineas homocigotas resistentes), por resistencia multiple de genes al BCMV, por inmunidad al gen recesivo de BCMV y el manejo y pronostico de otras enfer...
During 1984 evaluations for resistance to Empoasca kraemeri, Apion godmani, and seed-infesting bruchids were continued. Some bean accessions were also evaluated for their reaction to the slug Vaginulus plebeius. Several red-and white-seeded selections from crosses for resistance to E. kraemeri re...
Durante 1984 se realizaron evaluaciones por resistencia a Empoasca kraemeri, Apion godmani y gorgojos que infestan la semilla. Tambien se evaluaron algunas accesiones de frijol por su reaccion a la babosa Vaginulus plebeius. Algunas selecciones de semilla blanca y roja de los cruzamientos por res...
Two trials were conducted to screen germplasm for heat and drought tolerance. In the 1st, the performance of 25 genotypes under terminal drought stress was assessed. Lines A344, A268, A286, BAT 336, A442, BAT 477, Umvoti, and Domino were high-yielding (811, 750, 713, 717, 665, 659, 608, and 667 k...
Se realizaron 2 ensayos para seleccionar germoplasma por tolerancia al calor y a la sequia. En el primero, se evaluo el desempeno de 25 genotipos a estres de sequia terminal. Los genotipos con las producciones mas altas (kg/ha), tolerantes a calor y sequia, fueron A344 (811), A268 (750), A286 (71...
During 1984 several types of interspecific crosses between Phaseolus vulgaris and P. coccineus, generated in the collaborative project with the U. of Gembloux, Belgium, were tested to evaluate their yield potential. Significant differences were observed between the crosses tested and among sister...
Durante 1984 se estudiaron varios tipos de cruzamientos interespecificos entre Phaseolus vulgaris y P. coccineus generados en el proyecto colaborativo con la U. de Gembloux, Belgica, para evaluar su potencial de rendimiento. Se observaron diferencias significativas entre los cruzamientos evaluado...