The research was conducted at Bukit Soeharto, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. In the natural forests there were as many sound as diseased trees. There were no clear differences in disease incidence among forests with different intensities of cutting and among different diameter classes. Observations ...
Mardji, D.
[Inventory of diseases on dipterocarps in natural forest with different cutting intensities and on mixed species in a taungya system plantation]
Inventory of diseases on dipterocarps in natural forest with different cutting intensities and on mixed species in a taungya system plantation
Bai, K.
Peng, H.
Wu, J.
Yang, Y.
Zhang, E.
Dai, L.
Lu, C.
Wang, Y.
Yuan, J.
Long, C.
Santis, P. de
Jarvis, D.
[Good practice: using intra-specific crop diversity to manage pests and pathogens in China]
Good practice: using intra-specific crop diversity to manage pests and pathogens in China
Berry, P.
Ramírez Villegas, Julián
Bramley, H.
Mgonja, MA
Mohanty, S
[Regional impacts of climate change on agriculture and the role of adaptation]
Regional impacts of climate change on agriculture and the role of adaptation
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) have been , .. ridel), evaluated for their suitability in the acclimatization and nursery management of tissue-cultured (TC) plantlets of banana and plantain Improved growth and vigour of plantlets has been documented with exotic AMP species. A wide range of AMF...
Jefwa, J.M.
Rurangwa, E.
Gaidashova, S.V.
Kavoo, A.M.
Mwashasha, M.
Robinson, J.
Blomme, Guy
Vanlauwe, Bernard
[Indigenous Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and growth of tissue-cultured banana plantlets under nursery and field conditions in Rwanda]
Indigenous Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and growth of tissue-cultured banana plantlets under nursery and field conditions in Rwanda
Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi are known to improve the growth of many crops of agricultural importance. The amplitude of this growth improvement may vary depending on soil type. Here, we report the effect of the application of indigenous AM fungi, isolated from a Nitisol from Kirehe (eastern ...
Gaidashova, S.V.
Nsabimana, A.
Asten, Piet J.A. van
Delvaux, B.
Elsen, A.
Declerck, S.
[Impact of Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on growth of banana genotypes in three different, pasteurized and non-pasteurized soils of Rwanda]
Impact of Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on growth of banana genotypes in three different, pasteurized and non-pasteurized soils of Rwanda
Banana is an important crop for food and income in Burundi. However, average annual yields are low (5 t/ha) because of low and declining soil fertility, and pest and disease pressure. To help overcome the challenges to banana production in the Great Lakes region of Central Africa, the Consortium ...
Kamira, M.
Crichton, R.J.
Kanyaruguru, J.P.
Asten, Piet J.A. van
Blomme, Guy
Lorenzen, J.H.
Njukwe, E.
Bergh, I. van den
Ouma, Emily A.
Muchunguzi, P.
[Agronomic evaluation of common and improved dessert banana cultivars at different altitudes across Burundi]
Agronomic evaluation of common and improved dessert banana cultivars at different altitudes across Burundi
The dry savannas of West Africa are undergoing rapid transformation of agricultural practices owing to the rapid human and livestock population growth, increase in agricultural intensification and accelerated climate change which has increased the incidence and severity of diseases, pests and ...
Kamara, A.Y.
Ajeigbe, Hakeem A.
Omoigui, L.O.
Chikoye, D.
[Intensive cereal-legume–livestock systems in West African dry Savannas.]
Intensive cereal-legume–livestock systems in West African dry Savannas.
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Grass and legume genotypes with known reaction to pests and diseases and to interaction with symbiont organisms are developed: Output 2]
Grass and legume genotypes with known reaction to pests and diseases and to interaction with symbiont organisms are developed: Output 2
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Strengthened capacity of NARS to design and execute IPM R and D, to apply molecular tools for pathogen and pest detection, diagnosis, diversity studies and to device novel disease and pest management strategies: Output 3]
Strengthened capacity of NARS to design and execute IPM R and D, to apply molecular tools for pathogen and pest detection, diagnosis, diversity studies and to device novel disease and pest management strategies: Output 3
Tamo, M.
Afouda, L.
Bandyopadhyay, R.
Bottenberg, H.
Cortada Gonzales, L.
Murithi, H.
Ortega-Beltran, A.
Pittendrigh, B.
Sikirou, R.
Togola, A.
Wydra, K.D.
[Identifying and managing plant health risks for key African crops: legumes]
Identifying and managing plant health risks for key African crops: legumes