Germination and survival of indigenous annual Trifolium species were studied. Seedlings naturally emerging in the field and from sown seeds in pots were regularly counted and uprooted, and survival was studied by monitoring colour-coded seedlings. Differences in recruitment of Trifolium species w...
Dauro, D.
Mohamed-Saleem, M.A.
Gintzburger, G.
[Recruitment and survival of native annual Trifolium species in the highlands of Ethiopia]
Recruitment and survival of native annual Trifolium species in the highlands of Ethiopia
Caldas, GV
Blair, Matthew W.
[Inheritance of seed condensed tannins and their relationship with seed-coat color and pattern genes in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)]
Inheritance of seed condensed tannins and their relationship with seed-coat color and pattern genes in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
Micronutrients are essential elements needed in small amounts for adequate human nutrition and include the elements iron and zinc. Both of these minerals are essential to human well-being and an adequate supply of iron and zinc help to prevent iron deficiency anemia and zinc deficiency, two preva...
Blair, Matthew W.
Astudillo, Carolina
Grusak, M.A.
Graham, R
Beebe, Stephen E.
[Inheritance of seed iron and zinc concentrations in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)]
Inheritance of seed iron and zinc concentrations in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
En el CIAT, Centro Experimental, Estación de Santander de Quilichao, (Cauca, Colombia) durante 1980 y 1981 se observó la presencia de marchitez en plantas de Zornia spp., asociada a Corynebacterium flaccumfaciens. En razón de ese registro y del riesgo que implicaba su presencia en uno de los siti...
Balcázar, María del Socorro
Pineda López, Benjamín
[Diagnóstico preliminar de bacterias coryneformes asociadas con germoplasma de Zornia spp]
Diagnóstico preliminar de bacterias coryneformes asociadas con germoplasma de Zornia spp
Centrosema spp. es uno de los géneros más importantes dentro de las accesiones de leguminosas forrajeras en el área de impacto de suelos ácidos e infértiles del trópico. En estos materiales se presenta un alto porcentaje de semillas duras, que aún al proporcionar las condiciones óptimas para que...
Burbano Orjuela, Edgar Alfredo
[Efecto de la escarificación química en la calidad de semilla de Centrosema spp. durante el almacenamiento]
Efecto de la escarificación química en la calidad de semilla de Centrosema spp. durante el almacenamiento
En cinco muestras de semillas de B. dictyoneura cosechadas en la misma época en Colombia, Panamá y Costa Rica, se evaluó el efecto de tres niveles de calor seco (ambiente, 40 y 60°C) y tres tiempos de exposición (0, 72 y 240 h) aplicados a uno y tres meses poscosecha en espiguillas completas o es...
Sánchez, M.S.
López, Y.
Ferguson, John E.
[Dinámica de la latencia en semillas de Brachiaria dictyoneura (Fig & Not) stapf cv llanero]
Dinámica de la latencia en semillas de Brachiaria dictyoneura (Fig & Not) stapf cv llanero
Domestication represents a unique opportunity to study the evolutionary process. The elimination of seed dispersal traits was a key step in the evolution of cereal crops under domestication. Here, we show that ObSH3, a YABBY transcription factor, is required for the development of the seed abscis...
Lv, S.
Wu, W.
Wang, M.
Meyer, R.S.
Ndjiondjop, M.N.
Tan, L.
Zhou, H.
Zhang, J.
Fu, Y.
Cai, H.
Sun, C.
Wing, R.A.
Zhu, Z.
[Genetic control of seed shattering during African rice domestication.]
Genetic control of seed shattering during African rice domestication.
Singh, Shree P.
Urrea, Carlos A.
[Performance of early generations of some intra- and interracial populations of common bean]
Performance of early generations of some intra- and interracial populations of common bean
Published studies to date have suggested that seed-yam (Dioscorea rotundata) production in Nigeria using minisett (∼0.025 kg) technology or an adapted form of the technology using larger setts (0.08 to 0.1 kg) was not profitable. But these studies were often conducted under artificial conditions ...
Ibana, S.
Coyne, D.L.
Claudius-Cole, A.O.
McNamara, N.
Morse, S.
[Economic analysis of commercial seed yam production systems in the Subhumid ecologies of the river Niger]
Economic analysis of commercial seed yam production systems in the Subhumid ecologies of the river Niger
High seed quality is a critical component for realising yield potential. For smallholder cowpea farmers in northern Nigeria the informal seed system is a major supplier of genetically high-quality seed, but the physiological quality of farmers’ produced seed remains unknown. The project “Promotin...
Biemond, P.C.
Stomph, T.
Kamara, A.
Abdoulaye, Tahirou
Hearne, S.
Struik, Paul C.
[Are investments in an informal seed system for cowpea a worthwhile endeavour?]
Are investments in an informal seed system for cowpea a worthwhile endeavour?