This progress report summarizes the key results from the CSV monitoring undertaken in 2018. It focuses on the levels of CSA implementation in the 4 LAM Climate-Smart villages (Colombia, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua) and gender-disaggregated perceived effects of CSA practices on households li...
This progress report focuses on the development of GeoFarmer (V1). It describes how we adapted the GeoCitizen application framework and developed new user interfaces as GeoFarmer, for the purpose of using it in the agricultural development projects, and more specific, for the monitoring and evalu...
This study assessed the feasibility of using roof-top rainwater harvesting system (RWHS) to irrigate home-based vegetable gardens in Laos. Surveys were conducted in three villages located in the provinces of Vientiane and Savannakhet to gather quantitative data on irrigation and farming practices...
Jacq, Estelle
Lacombe, Guillaume
Heang, Vytou
Douangsavanh, Somphasith
[Is roof-top rainwater harvesting a viable solution to develop small-scale agriculture? (A case study in Laos)]
Is roof-top rainwater harvesting a viable solution to develop small-scale agriculture? (A case study in Laos)
En el marco de los proyectos Soluciones Digitales Integradas Agroclimáticas (Agroclimas Fase 2) y Territorios Sostenibles Adaptados al Clima (TeSAC) ambos parte del programa de Investigación de CGIAR sobre Cambio Climático, Agricultura y Seguridad Alimentaria (CCAFS), se busca generar evidencia d...
Within the framework of the Agro-climatic Digitally Integrated Solutions (Agroclimas Phase 2) and Climate-Smart Villages (CSV) projects, both parts of the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), seeks to generate evidence of the implementation of participa...
Jara Domínguez, Carlos Eduardo
Muñoz Diaz, Luis David
Alvarez Toro, Patricia
Navarro Racines, Carlos Eduardo
[Establecimiento de ensayos para modelación de frijol en el departamento del Cauca, Colombia]
Establecimiento de ensayos para modelación de frijol en el departamento del Cauca, Colombia
The contribution of the agricultural sector to Ghana's economy has been dwindling in relative terms from a high of 39 per cent in 1990s to about 21 per cent in 2014 (ISSER, 2015). This reduction to the sector’s GDP notwithstanding, sector continues to play a
major role in the country’s socio-econ...
Botchway, Vincent Ansah
Sam, Kingsley Odum
Karbo, Naaminong
Essegbey, George Owusu
Nutsukpo, Delali
Agyemang, Kingsley
Zougmoré, Robert B.
Partey, Samuel T.
[Climate-Smart Agricultural Practices in Ghana]
Climate-Smart Agricultural Practices in Ghana
To inform BMZ forage project in Western Kenya, literature review was undertaken to provide understanding of demographics and livestock keeping in Kakamega, Busia and Bungoma Counties in Western Kenya. Livestock agriculture is key in Kenyan household incomes and human nutrition through milk and me...
Mwendia, Solomon W.
Notenbaert, An Maria Omer
[Review of livestock production in Kakamega, Busia and Bungoma Counties in Western Kenya]
Review of livestock production in Kakamega, Busia and Bungoma Counties in Western Kenya
Our study investigates the routes of information flow through which smallholder exchange seed and information. We then examine how these exchanges among farmer networks can be improved. In order to examine the characteristics of these networks, our study analyzed household-level survey data colle...
Zebroski, W.M.
Lacasse, H.K.
Otieno, G.
Reynolds, Travis W.
Lavalle, N.
Baker-Wacks, E.
Klein, E.
[Social seed networks and climate change adaptation in East Africa]
Social seed networks and climate change adaptation in East Africa
Este documento constituye el tercer informe del estudio de “Productividad de la tierra y rendimiento del sector agropecuario medido a través de los indicadores de crecimiento verde en el marco de la misión de crecimiento verde en Colombia” realizado por el CIAT y CRECE a través de la orientación ...
This document constitutes the third report of the study of "Productivity of the land and yield of the agricultural sector measured through the indicators of green growth in the framework of the Mission of Green Growth in Colombia" through the orientation and financing of the GGGI Colombia and the...
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
Centro de Estudios Regionales Cafeteros y Empresariales
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
[Descripción de tecnologías priorizadas, marco institucional e impacto en los indicadores de crecimiento verde a escala nacional y regional para los sistemas de café, cacao y ganadería de leche y doble propósito]
Descripción de tecnologías priorizadas, marco institucional e impacto en los indicadores de crecimiento verde a escala nacional y regional para los sistemas de café, cacao y ganadería de leche y doble propósito
This report forms part of a set of GENNOVATE research reports which pull together CRP-specific findings about how gender norms influence local level development dynamics, including the ability of individual men, women and young people to learn about and engage in innovation processes in agricultu...
[Gender in agricultural change: Towards more inclusive innovation in farming communities. GENNOVATE report to the CGIAR Research Programs on Roots, Tubers and Bananas and Humidtropics.]
Gender in agricultural change: Towards more inclusive innovation in farming communities. GENNOVATE report to the CGIAR Research Programs on Roots, Tubers and Bananas and Humidtropics.
Ashby, Jacqueline A.
[Women and agricultural technology in Latin America and the Caribbean]
Women and agricultural technology in Latin America and the Caribbean