Presents and discusses a study on production and price on 2498 stallfed steers from the southern region and 2985 stallfed steers from the central region of Malawi which were on credit to smallholder farmers. Includes data on initial and final weight, total price and price/kg at beginning of feedi...
Nkhonjera, L.P.
Agyemang, K.
Butterworth, M.H.
[The performance of cattle stall-fed for beef in Malawi]
The performance of cattle stall-fed for beef in Malawi
This paper discusses the research plan established to inventory and develop African breeds and protocols for In situ characterization. The paper also presents a review of West African Taurine cattle breeds. Minimum essential data set for breed characterization is summarised in a table form, and b...
Rege, J.E.O.
[International Livestock Centre preserves Africa's declining wealth of animal biodiversity]
International Livestock Centre preserves Africa's declining wealth of animal biodiversity
The effects of breed (Menz and Horro), season (wet and dry), and the breed by season interaction on production and response to naturally acquired gastro-intestinal (GI) nematode parasite infections (predominantly Longistrongylus elongata and Trichostrongylus spp. and a small proportion of Haemonc...
Rege, J.E.O.
Tembely, S.
Mukasa-Mugerwa, E.
Sovani, S.
Anindo, D.O.
Lahlou-Kassi, A.
Nagda, S.M.
Baker, R.L.
[Effect of breed and season on production and response to infections with gastro-intestinal nematode parasites in sheep in the highlands of Ethiopia]
Effect of breed and season on production and response to infections with gastro-intestinal nematode parasites in sheep in the highlands of Ethiopia
In animal production systems, the value of a species increases in relation to its adaptation, capacity to make socioeconomic contributions, capacity to fill market opportunities, and potential for increasing productivity. In the case of goats, their role and potential contribution to increased pr...
Devendra, C.
[Goats: Challenges for increased productivity and improved livelihoods]
Goats: Challenges for increased productivity and improved livelihoods
Genetic parameters for birth and 240-day weaning weights in Gudali and Wakwa cattle breeds in a tropical environment in Cameroon were estimated by derivative-free restricted maximum likelihood procedure using single-trait animal models with maternal effects. Performance data covered the period 19...
Tawah, C.L.
Mbah, D.A.
Rege, J.E.O.
Oumate, H.
[Genetic evaluation of birth and weaning weight of Gudali and two-breed synthetic Wakwa beef cattle populations under selection in Cameroon: Genetic and phenotypic parameters]
Genetic evaluation of birth and weaning weight of Gudali and two-breed synthetic Wakwa beef cattle populations under selection in Cameroon: Genetic and phenotypic parameters
The aim of this study was to assess the process and extent of sedentarisation among Fulani cattle owners in the derived savannah zone of south-west Nigeria. The results, based on a survey of 66 randomly-selected cattle owners, indicate an on-going process of settlment. Previously cattle owners vi...
Jabbar, M.A.
Reynolds, L.
Francis, P.A.
[Sedentarisation of cattle farmers in the derived savanna region of south west Nigeria: Results of a survey]
Sedentarisation of cattle farmers in the derived savanna region of south west Nigeria: Results of a survey
Russell, G.C.
Marello, K.L.
Gallagher, A.
McKeever, Declan J.
Spooner, R.L.
[Amplification and sequencing of expressed DRB second exons from Bos indicus]
Amplification and sequencing of expressed DRB second exons from Bos indicus
Mavrogenis, A.P.
[Small ruminant breeds of Cyprus. In Characterization of small ruminat breeds in West Asia and North Africa]
Small ruminant breeds of Cyprus. In Characterization of small ruminat breeds in West Asia and North Africa
Khazaal, K.
[Small ruminant breeds of Lebanon. In Charcaterization of small ruminant breeds in West Asia and North Africa]
Small ruminant breeds of Lebanon. In Charcaterization of small ruminant breeds in West Asia and North Africa
Gursoy, O.
[Small ruminant breeds of Turkey. In Chracterization of small ruminant breeds in West Asia and North Africa]
Small ruminant breeds of Turkey. In Chracterization of small ruminant breeds in West Asia and North Africa