Climate change has been projected to change the geography of cocoa production in Peru unless production practices are adapted to novel conditions. Climate change impacts are site specific and each household has a different set of assets and constraints. This study provides a climate hazard based ...
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
[Prioritization of Climate Smart Practices for Cocoa in Peru: Climate analysis and Cost Benefit Analysis of climate smart practices in cacao production in Peru to evaluate the adaptation and scaling potential]
Prioritization of Climate Smart Practices for Cocoa in Peru: Climate analysis and Cost Benefit Analysis of climate smart practices in cacao production in Peru to evaluate the adaptation and scaling potential
A case study of farmers who attended cocoa integrated crop and pest management (ICPM) farmer field schools in Cameroon and non-participating farmers provides empirical results on areas where there are gaps and mixed results in the FFS literature. FFS provided farmers with new skills and knowledge...
David, S.
[Learning to think for ourselves: knowledge improvement and social benefits among farmer field school participants in Cameroon]
Learning to think for ourselves: knowledge improvement and social benefits among farmer field school participants in Cameroon
Most cocoa farms in Ghana are cultivated in complex agroforest systems, with plant growth and cocoa productivity being affected. The objective of this study was to investigate how shade trees affect cocoa yield, temperature and soil nutrients in low-input cocoa systems. Establishing plots on 24 f...
Asare, R.
Asare, R.A.
Asante, W.A.
Markussen, B.
Raebild, A.
[Influences of shading and fertilization on on-farm yields of cocoa in Ghana]
Influences of shading and fertilization on on-farm yields of cocoa in Ghana
The present report assesses women’s and men’s participation in coffee and cocoa value chains in Latin America in order to identify key considerations and next steps for the development of research, policy and practice on value chain upgrading for enhanced smallholder prosperity. In particular, th...
Gumucio, Tatiana
Yore, Hannah
Mello, Denyse
Loucel, Claudia
[Coffee and cocoa value chains: Gender dynamics in Peru and Nicaragua]
Coffee and cocoa value chains: Gender dynamics in Peru and Nicaragua
STCP tools for the rehabilitation of West African cocoa farms
Cacao tree stocks in West Africa are mainly established from seeds procured
from farmers’ fields. This planting material lacks the disease tolerance and
yield potential of the hybrid seed. Productivity is also affected by the old age
Bhattacharjee, R.
Gockowski, J.
Asare, R.
Muilerman, Sander
[A Green Revolution in the West African cocoa belt]
A Green Revolution in the West African cocoa belt
Shade trees are an integral part of most cocoa growing systems across the world. This study assesses farmers’ local knowledge of shade trees at two locations in Ghana with different climatic conditions and vulnerability to climate change. Akumadan is located in the northern dry part of the cocoa ...
Graefe, S.
Meyer-Sand, L.F.
Chauvette, K.
Abdulai, I.
Jassogne, Laurence T.P.
Vaast, Philippe
Asare, R.
[Evaluating farmers' knowledge of shade trees in different cocoa agro-ecological zones in Ghana]
Evaluating farmers' knowledge of shade trees in different cocoa agro-ecological zones in Ghana
Poor access to improved seeds in West and Central Africa has compromised crop yields and productivity as most farmers source the bulk of their seeds from informal channels. The use of farmer produced seeds has mostly resulted in high seedling mortality thereby presenting challenges to cocoa rehab...
Asare, R.
Afari-Sefa, Victor
Muilerman, Sander
[Access to improved hybrid seeds in Ghana: Implications for establishment and rehabilitation of cocoa farms]
Access to improved hybrid seeds in Ghana: Implications for establishment and rehabilitation of cocoa farms
Reimer, F.
Asner, G.P.
Joseph, S.
[Advancing reference emission levels in subnational and national REDD+ initiatives: a CLASlite approach]
Advancing reference emission levels in subnational and national REDD+ initiatives: a CLASlite approach
World Cocoa Foundation
Rainforest Alliance
[Extension materials for CSA practices in cocoa for West Africa]
Extension materials for CSA practices in cocoa for West Africa