A survey was conducted to assess the extent of women farmer's involvement in seed yam production in Abia State, Nigeria. Data were collected using intensive, schedule. The data collected were analysed using descriptive statistic. The results show that the mean age of the respondents was 47.7 year...
Ironkwe, A.
Unamma, R.P.
Asiedu, Robert
[Involvement of women farmers in seed yam production in Abia state, Nigeria]
Involvement of women farmers in seed yam production in Abia state, Nigeria
Ex ante evaluation of agricultural research for development projects has become important in recent years for priority setting, ex post impact assessment and learning about generalizability to other populations and contexts. We apply farm household and random utility modeling to baseline survey ...
Rusike, J.
Jumbo, S.
Ntawuruhunga, Pheneas
Kawonga, J.M.
James, B.
Okechukwu, R.U.
Manyong, Victor M.
[Ex-ante evaluation of cassava research for development in Malawi: a farm household and random utility modeling approach]
Ex-ante evaluation of cassava research for development in Malawi: a farm household and random utility modeling approach
Los Gestores de Innovación en Agroindustria Rural (GIAR) son un mecanismo de co-innovación con enfoque de cadena productiva, que permite al pequeño productor y a las organizaciones locales organizar su trabajo, intercambiar conocimientos y fortalecer sus cadenas agroindustriales frente al mercado...
Mosquera Echeverry, Erika Eliana
Hurtado Bermúdez, Jhon J.
[CIAT - gestores de innovación en agroindustria rural: el conocimiento del mercado como brújula para la innovación]
CIAT - gestores de innovación en agroindustria rural: el conocimiento del mercado como brújula para la innovación
Ferreira, SM
Staiger-Rivas, Simone
Villa, C.
[Conclusiones: gestionar el aprender sobre el hacer, un propósito que debe hacerse explícito]
Conclusiones: gestionar el aprender sobre el hacer, un propósito que debe hacerse explícito
While there is renewed interest to promote agricultural development, there is a lively policy debate on the appropriate instruments to achieve this goal. While some actors argue that agricultural development requires strong government support and input subsidies, others criticize those state-focu...
Mockshell, Jonathan
Birner, R.
[The dichotomy between state- and market-oriented agricultural development narratives: Beyond the rational choice explanation?]
The dichotomy between state- and market-oriented agricultural development narratives: Beyond the rational choice explanation?
This report summarizes the presentations and discussions of a diverse group of 20 researchers from academic institutions in China involved in national and international policy and law development related to agricultural biodiversity. Based on three field project experiences, the current instituti...
Vernooy, Ronnie
Zhang Zongwen
Song Yiching
Bioversity International
[Policies of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture: China and the world: Report of a workshop, 1 December 2011, Beijing, China]
Policies of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture: China and the world: Report of a workshop, 1 December 2011, Beijing, China
Global pressures on food security such as climate change, rising food prices and rising populations demand collaborative action from actors governing food systems across all levels and scales. This paper describes concerted efforts in East Africa, West Africa and South Asia to build capacity for ...
Vervoort, Joost M.
Ingram, J.
Ericksen, Polly J.
Chaudhury, M.
Förch, Wiebke
Thornton, Philip K.
Kristjanson, Patricia M.
[Multi-actor scenarios to build capacity for food systems governance at the sub-continental level]
Multi-actor scenarios to build capacity for food systems governance at the sub-continental level
Neves Soares Oliveira, C.
Moura de Oliveira Beltrame, D.
Coradin, Lídio
Hunter, D.
[Biodiversity for Food and Nutrition Project: promoting food and nutrition security through institutional markets in Brazil]
Biodiversity for Food and Nutrition Project: promoting food and nutrition security through institutional markets in Brazil
Ordinola, M.
[Desarrollando innovaciones para la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional en base a la biodiversidad de la papa]
Desarrollando innovaciones para la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional en base a la biodiversidad de la papa
Babini, C.
Flores, P.
Nadezda, A.
Fonseca, C.
Maldonado, L.
Polar, V.
Velasco, C.
[Incorporando la tematica de genero en intervenciones de seguridad alimentaria]
Incorporando la tematica de genero en intervenciones de seguridad alimentaria