In that decade, a different solution was required, because the Latin American economies, with only a few exceptions, were already regulated, protected and supervised by the State. One notable exception was the Chilean economy, which, at the onset of the 1970s, had been among the most controlled e...
This is the name of the course presented by ECLAC's Transport Unit in range of countries in four continents for ministerial and port authorities, transport companies, exporters, importers and trade unions.
The study recently published by the Division of International Trade and Integration of ECLAC considers that 2005 will be a good year for trade in the countries of the region. Despite a favourable international context, there are still serious problems of competitiveness. The region needs to incre...
This issue of the FAL Bulletin contains the report prepared jointly in September 2005 by three ECLAC divisions (the Division of International Trade and Integration, the Economic Development Division and the Statistics and Economic Projections Division) on the consequences of Hurricane Katrina for...
The Centre for the Facilitation of Procedures and Practices in Administration, Commerce and Transport (CEFACT) constitutes a partnership between the public and private sectors for their mutual benefit. For the private sector, working with governments to improve commerce is critical to improving...
On 15 and 16 December 1998, in New Orleans, United States, the third Western Hemisphere Transportation Ministerial Meeting will take place. This is part of a work programme which has been incorporated into the Plan of Action of the Americas. The Summit of the Americas held in Santiago, Chile, in...
La presente edición del Boletín FAL analiza los requisitos y ventajas ofrecidos por el programa Alianza Aduanas-Empresarial Contra el Terrorismo (C-TPAT por sus siglas en inglés) de los Estados Unidos y el Operador Económico Autorizado (AEO por sus siglas en inglés) implementado por la Unión Euro...
Modernización portuaria: una pirámide de desafíos entrelazados. Así se titula curso presentado por la Unidad de Transporte de la CEPAL en una serie de países en cuatro continentes, con la participación de autoridades ministeriales y portuarias, transportistas, exportadores, importadores y sindica...
El 12 de septiembre de 2006, el Secretario Ejecutivo de la CEPAL, José Luís Machinea, junto con el lanzamiento del informe Panorama de la inserción internacional de América Latina y el Caribe, 2005-2006, presentó la nueva versión del programa computacional Módulo para Analizar el Crecimiento del ...
Un documento de la CEPAL, que va a ser próximamente publicado, aborda un tema objeto de múltiples discusiones en los últimos años en especial en el Cono Sur de América Latina (Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Paraguay, Perú y Uruguay), región que concentra el mayor volumen de tráfico terrestre ...