Two bean cv. were exposed to known levels of attack of nymphs and adults of Empoasca kraemeri for 14-day periods at different growth stages. On av., Diacol-Calima and EMP 81 suffered a yield loss of 16.5 and 14.6 kg/ha, resp., per insect/leaf/14-day period. A study of the insect complex attacking...
Se expusieron 2 cv. de frijol a niveles conocidos de ataque de ninfas y adultos de Empoasca kraemeri durante periodos de 14 dias en diferentes estados de desarrollo. Diacol-Calima y EMP 81 en prom. sufrieron una perdida de rendimiento de 16.5 y 14.6 kg/ha, resp., por insecto/hoja/periodo de 14 di...
The yield of South African bean lines was assessed in Malawi, using 3 groups with 15 genotypes each. In the 1st trial, carried out in 4 different agroecological zones, Carioca 80 was the best genotype with high yields at all sites (712-1768 kg/ha) and resistant to angular leaf spot and rust. Othe...
Se evaluo el rendimiento de lineas de frijol sudafricanas en Malawi, utilizando 3 grupos con 15 genotipos cada uno. En el primer ensayo, realizado en 4 zonas agroecologicas diferentes, el mejor genotipo fue Carioca 80 con altos rendimientos en todos los sitios (712-1768 kg/ha), con resistencia a ...
A plant breeding program was developed, consisting of the following stages: (1) hybridization for disease resistance; (2) adaptation trial, and (3) screening for resistance. Several variations of Isariopsis griseola existing in Malawi as well as sources of resistance to this fungus were identifie...
Se desarrollo un programa de mejoramiento de frijol siguiendo 1) etapa de hibridizacion por resistencia a enfermedades; 2) ensayo de adaptacion y 3) seleccion por resistencia. Se identificaron algunas variaciones de Isariopsis griseola existentes en Malawi y fuentes de resistencia a este hongo en...
During 1984 a collaborative research effort between CIAT and the National Vegetable Research Station (Wellesbourne, England) was started to broaden the knowledge of halo blight caused by Pseudomonas phaseolicola. Isolates of the halo blight pathogen were collected from bean growing areas of Latin...
Durante 1984 se inicio un esfuerzo de investigacion coloborativo entre CIAT y National Vegetable Research Station (Wellesbourne, Inglaterra), para ampliar el conocimiento del anublo de halo causado por Pseudomonas phaseolicola. Se recolectaron aislamientos del patogeno del anublo de halo en areas...
In 1984, most of the pathology efforts of the CIAT Bean Program concentrated on the evaluation of bean germplasm for their reaction to the main bean pathogens under field conditions in several international nurseries throughout many of the bean growing areas. High priority was given to the most w...
En 1984, la mayoria de los esfuerzos en patologia del Programa de Frijol del CIAT se concentraron en la evaluacion del germoplasma de frijol por su reaccion a los principales patogenos del frijol en condiciones de campo en varios viveros internacionales en muchas de las areas de cultivo. Se dio a...
The main activities of bean virology at CIAT in 1984 involved screening for BCMV dominant resistance (selection of homozygous BCMV resistant lines), BCMV multiple gene resistance, BCMV recessive gene immunity, and the management and prognosis of other important viral diseases of beans involving t...
Las principales actividades sobre virologia de frijol en CIAT durante 1984 incluyeron seleccion por resistencia dominante al BCMV (seleccion de lineas homocigotas resistentes), por resistencia multiple de genes al BCMV, por inmunidad al gen recesivo de BCMV y el manejo y pronostico de otras enfer...
During 1984 evaluations for resistance to Empoasca kraemeri, Apion godmani, and seed-infesting bruchids were continued. Some bean accessions were also evaluated for their reaction to the slug Vaginulus plebeius. Several red-and white-seeded selections from crosses for resistance to E. kraemeri re...
Durante 1984 se realizaron evaluaciones por resistencia a Empoasca kraemeri, Apion godmani y gorgojos que infestan la semilla. Tambien se evaluaron algunas accesiones de frijol por su reaccion a la babosa Vaginulus plebeius. Algunas selecciones de semilla blanca y roja de los cruzamientos por res...
During 1984 several types of interspecific crosses between Phaseolus vulgaris and P. coccineus, generated in the collaborative project with the U. of Gembloux, Belgium, were tested to evaluate their yield potential. Significant differences were observed between the crosses tested and among sister...
Durante 1984 se estudiaron varios tipos de cruzamientos interespecificos entre Phaseolus vulgaris y P. coccineus generados en el proyecto colaborativo con la U. de Gembloux, Belgica, para evaluar su potencial de rendimiento. Se observaron diferencias significativas entre los cruzamientos evaluado...
Two bean cv. were exposed to known levels of attack of nymphs and adults of Empoasca kraemeri for 14-day periods at different growth stages. On av., Diacol-Calima and EMP 81 suffered a yield loss of 16.5 and 14.6 kg/ha, resp., per insect/leaf/14-day period. A study of the insect complex attacking...
Se expusieron 2 cv. de frijol a niveles conocidos de ataque de ninfas y adultos de Empoasca kraemeri durante periodos de 14 dias en diferentes estados de desarrollo. Diacol-Calima y EMP 81 en prom. sufrieron una perdida de rendimiento de 16.5 y 14.6 kg/ha, resp., por insecto/hoja/periodo de 14 di...
Research work carried out by CIAT in 1980 and results obtained are briefly analyzed: acquisition, evaluation, and distribution of germplasm; bush and climbing bean improvement; resistance to viral (BCMV, BYMV, soybean mosaic virus, bean chlorotic mottle virus, and BGMV), fungal (rust, anthracnose...
Se analizan en detalle el trabajo de investigacion realizado en CIAT en 1980 y los resultados obtenidos sobre adquisicion, evaluacion y distribucion de germoplasma; mejoramiento de frijol arbustivo y trepador; resistencia a enfermedades virales (BCMV, BYMV, virus del mosaico de la soya, virus mot...