Os recursos fitogenéticos são a base da subsistência da humanidade. Suprimem as necessidades básicas e ajudam a resolver problemas como a fome e a pobreza. No entanto, foram-se perdendo, principalmente pelo uso inadequado que deles fazemos, assim como pela destruição dos seus habitates. Dada a su...
Jaramillo, S.
Baena, M.
[Manual de apoio à formação e treino em conservação ex situ de recursos fitogenéticos]
Manual de apoio à formação e treino em conservação ex situ de recursos fitogenéticos
El proyecto “Rescate y promoción de ajíes nativos en su centro de origen” ha estudiado la diversidad de los ajíes bolivianos con la finalidad de aumentar el conocimiento acerca de ellos y eventualmente incrementar su incorporación en cadenas de alto valor. El “Catálogo de ajíes nativos (Capsicum ...
Libreros, D.
Zonneveld, Maarten van
Petz, M.
Meckelmann, S.W.
Bejarano, C.
Avila, T.
Reyes, X.
Mayan, C.
Amaya, K.
Ramírez, M.
Bioversity International
[Catálogo de ajíes nativos (Capsicum spp.) bolivianos promisorios]
Catálogo de ajíes nativos (Capsicum spp.) bolivianos promisorios
Miranda, S.M.
Maglinao, Amado R.
[Irrigation management for rice-based farming systems in Bangladesh, Indonesia and the Philippines: Proceedings of the Tri-Country Workshop held in Colombo, Sri Lanka, 12-14 November 1990]
Irrigation management for rice-based farming systems in Bangladesh, Indonesia and the Philippines: Proceedings of the Tri-Country Workshop held in Colombo, Sri Lanka, 12-14 November 1990
Manikandan, S.
Marimuthu, S.
[Water users' association in Kedar Tank: farmers' experience. In Tamil]
Water users' association in Kedar Tank: farmers' experience. In Tamil
This paper is a synthesis of IIMI's research on irrigation management for crop diversification in Indonesia, the Philippines and Sri Lanka. It provides some conclusions and recommendations, the potentials and constraints to more intensive non-rice production during the drier part of the year in i...
Miranda, S.M.
[Irrigation management for crop diversification in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Sri Lanka: a synthesis of IIMI's research]
Irrigation management for crop diversification in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Sri Lanka: a synthesis of IIMI's research
Conservar la diversidad vegetal implica mantenerla evolucionando para que genere nueva diversidad que podamos utilizar. Esto sólo se logra manteniendo las poblaciones vegetales un su ambiente natural, es decir, en los sitios donde se originaron o donde han desarrollado sus características. Podemo...
Baena, M.
Jaramillo, S.
Montoya, J.E.
[Material de apoyo a la capacitación en conservación In Situ de la diversidad vegetal en areas protegidas y en fincas]
Material de apoyo a la capacitación en conservación In Situ de la diversidad vegetal en areas protegidas y en fincas
The need to understand the technical and socioeconomic constraints in irrigation management for diversified cropping underlies this study. The main constraints identified include the unreliability and inequality of supply at the secondary and tertiary levels of the irrigation system, the lack of ...
Panabokke, Christopher R.
[Irrigation management for crop diversification in Sri Lanka: a synthesis in current research]
Irrigation management for crop diversification in Sri Lanka: a synthesis in current research
Parade, S.D.
[Water users' association in Minor 10 (Shevare), Bhima Project: farmers' experience]
Water users' association in Minor 10 (Shevare), Bhima Project: farmers' experience
Contains a recently conducted study on incentives and disincentives for the participation of Peru in the Multilateral System of the Treaty, describes the demand, exchange and use of plant genetic resources in Peru. The study also identifies opportunities for Peru resulting from the exchange of th...
Lapeña, I.
López, I.
Sigueñas, M.
Ramírez, M.
[Incentivos y desincentivos para la participación del Perú en el sistema multilateral del tratado internacional sobre recursos fitogenéticos para la alimentación y la agricultura]
Incentivos y desincentivos para la participación del Perú en el sistema multilateral del tratado internacional sobre recursos fitogenéticos para la alimentación y la agricultura