Hiernaux, Pierre H.Y.
[Effects of grazing on plant species composition and spatial distribution in rangelands of the Sahel]
Effects of grazing on plant species composition and spatial distribution in rangelands of the Sahel
Zonneveld, M. van
Loo, J.
Maselli, S.
Madrid, J.J.
Echeverría, J.L.
[Bridging molecular genetics and participatory research: how access and benefit-sharing stimulate interdisciplinary research for tropical biology and conservation]
Bridging molecular genetics and participatory research: how access and benefit-sharing stimulate interdisciplinary research for tropical biology and conservation
The CGIAR Genebank Platform Policy Module, in coordination with the International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas (ICARDA), organized the ‘Workshop to strengthen the capacity of scientists from CGIAR Centres and National Agricultural Research Systems (NARS) to deal with genetic reso...
CGIAR Genebank Platform
[Workshop to strengthen the capacity of scientists from CGIAR Centres and NARS to deal with genetic resources policy issues, 27-30 November 2017, ICARDA, Rabat, Morocco.]
Workshop to strengthen the capacity of scientists from CGIAR Centres and NARS to deal with genetic resources policy issues, 27-30 November 2017, ICARDA, Rabat, Morocco.
Le module de politique relatif à la plateforme du CGIAR sur les banques de gènes, en collaboration avec ICARDA, a organisé l’« Atelier de renforcement des capacités des chercheurs des centres du CGIAR et des SNRA à aborder les questions relatives aux politiques dans le domaine des ressources géné...
CGIAR Genebank Platform
[Atelier de renforcement des capacites des chercheurs des centres du CGIAR et des SNRA a aborder les questions relatives aux politiques dans le domaine des ressources genetiques, 27-30 novembre 2017, ICARDA, Rabat, Maroc]
Atelier de renforcement des capacites des chercheurs des centres du CGIAR et des SNRA a aborder les questions relatives aux politiques dans le domaine des ressources genetiques, 27-30 novembre 2017, ICARDA, Rabat, Maroc
This list consists of an initial set of characterization and evaluation descriptors for coconut utilization. This strategic set of descriptors, together with passport data, will become the basis for the global accession level information system being developed by the Bioversity-led project, Globa...
Bioversity International
Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement
[Key access and utilization descriptors for coconut genetic resources]
Key access and utilization descriptors for coconut genetic resources
Ramírez, M.
Galluzzi, Gea
Zonneveld, M. van
Thomas, E.
Etten, Jacob van
Alcázar, C.
Beltran, M.
Libreros, D.
Solano, W.
[The strategic action plan to strengthen the conservation and use of Mesoamerican plant genetic resources in adapting agriculture to climate change (SAPM) [Abstract]]
The strategic action plan to strengthen the conservation and use of Mesoamerican plant genetic resources in adapting agriculture to climate change (SAPM) [Abstract]
Jarvis, D.I.
Hodgkin, T.
Brown, A.H.D.
Tuxill, J.
Lopez Noriega, I.
Smale, M.
Sthapit, B.
[Crop genetic diversity in the field and on the farm: principles and applications in research practices]
Jaenicke, H.
Ashmore, S.E.
Dulloo, M.E.
Guarino, Luigi
Taylor, M.
[XXIX International Horticultural Congress on Horticulture: Sustaining Lives, Livelihoods and Landscapes (IHC2014): IV International Symposium on Plant Genetic Resources]
XXIX International Horticultural Congress on Horticulture: Sustaining Lives, Livelihoods and Landscapes (IHC2014): IV International Symposium on Plant Genetic Resources
This paper presents an effective method for prioritizing areas within a country for acquisition of germplasm of a crop gene pool for ex situ conservation. The method was applied to the rare wild pepper species, Capsicum flexuosum Sendtn., in south-east Paraguay. A model to prioritize areas for co...
Jarvis, Andy
Williams, K
Guarino, Luigi
Caballero, PJ
Mottram, G
[Use of GIS for optimizing a collecting mission for a rare wild pepper (Capsicum flexuosum Sendtn.) in Paraguay]
Use of GIS for optimizing a collecting mission for a rare wild pepper (Capsicum flexuosum Sendtn.) in Paraguay
The conservation of plant genetic diversity underpins the future of agriculture and food security and is critical to ensure the ability of future generations to cope with global environmental changes. Yet plant genetic resources, including those of horticultural crops and their wild relatives, ar...
Dulloo, M.E.
[Conservation and availability of plant genetic diversity: innovative strategies and technologies]
Conservation and availability of plant genetic diversity: innovative strategies and technologies