Human efforts to produce ever-greater amounts of food leave their mark on the environment. Persistent use of conventional farming practices based on extensive tillage, especially when combined with removal or in situ burning of crop residue, have magnified soil erosion losses and the soil resourc...
Verhulst, Nele
François, Isabelle M.
Govaerts, Bram
[Conservation agriculture and carbon sequestration: between myth and farmer reality]
Conservation agriculture and carbon sequestration: between myth and farmer reality
Published in collaboration with Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Co-operation (CTA). This the french version of Procedures for Handling Seeds in Genebanks.
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute
[Méthodes de gestion des graines dans les banques de gènes]
Méthodes de gestion des graines dans les banques de gènes
Dans le but de clarifier, pour les responsables politiques, les problèmes et les choix, les membres du Groupe Crucible ont accepté de discuter entre eux des points les plus litigieux et de rédiger un rapport non consensuel qui ne ferait qu'exposer les meilleurs arguments. Après plusieurs mois d'é...
Centre de recherches pour le développement international
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute
[Le débat des semences: Volume 2. Solutions pour les lois nationals régissant le contrôle des ressources génétiques et des innovations biologiques]
Le débat des semences: Volume 2. Solutions pour les lois nationals régissant le contrôle des ressources génétiques et des innovations biologiques
This guide is the second volume of a series of three that deals with the conservation of forest (tree and shrub) genetic resources. It is focused on the conservation of forest genetic resources in situ. Its main aim is to demonstrate the benefits attainable through genetic conservation, and to pr...
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute
[Forest genetic resources conservation and management: In managed natural forests and protected areas (in situ): Vol. 2]
Forest genetic resources conservation and management: In managed natural forests and protected areas (in situ): Vol. 2
This book collects the available technical data on in vitro methodology appropriate to sweet potato and looks at the problem of obtaining virus-free germplasm for distribution and conservation.
”An overview of the international regulatory frameworks that influence the conservation and use of underutilized plant species” was prepared by the Global Facilitation Unit for Underutilized Species (GFU), in cooperation with the Genetic Resources Policy Initiative (GRPI). This publication is an ...
Chishakwe, N.E.
Genetic Resources Policy Initiative
Global Facilitation Unit for Underutilized Species
[An overview of the international regulatory frameworks that influence the conservation and use of underutilized plant species]
An overview of the international regulatory frameworks that influence the conservation and use of underutilized plant species
En septembre 1998, le Service des femmes dans le développement de la FAO, le Service des semences et des ressources phytogénétiques et l'IPGRI financèrent une étude «Genre et diversité génétique locale de trois espèces : riz kobé, riz flottant (issa-mô) et mil (Haïni) dans les cercles de Diré et ...
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute
[L'approche participative dans la recherche sur le mode de gestion des espèces cultivées localement en fonction du genre au Mali: méthodologie et techniques: Cas du Mali]
L'approche participative dans la recherche sur le mode de gestion des espèces cultivées localement en fonction du genre au Mali: méthodologie et techniques: Cas du Mali
The proceedings of the conference on Science and Technology for Managing Plant Genetic Diversity in the 21st Century. The book contains more than 40 of the papers presented at conference and addresses key scientific and technical aspects of the management of plant genetic resources now and in the...
International Development Research Centre
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute
Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation
Crucible II Group
[Le débat des semences: Volume 1. Solutions politiques pour les ressources génétiques: Un Brevet pour la vie revisité]
Le débat des semences: Volume 1. Solutions politiques pour les ressources génétiques: Un Brevet pour la vie revisité
Tef is an important, traditional cereal crop in Ethiopia that grows well under various stress conditions and is extensively used in Ethiopia but is little known elsewhere. This book considers the conservation and genetic resources of tef, and reviews various aspects of its taxonomy, origins and c...