Potential rotation crops for replacement of natural soil regeneration in tropical agriculture were grown in nematode infested soil following Celosia argeniea. The aggregate nematode population mean was one-third the preplant mean after six months. Meloidogyne incognita juvenile soil populations w...
Wilson, G.F.
Caveness, F.E.
[The effects of rotation crops on survival of root-knot, root-lesion and spiral nematodes: efecto de rotacion de cosechas sobre la supervivencia de nematodos noduladores, lesionadores y espiraliformes]
The effects of rotation crops on survival of root-knot, root-lesion and spiral nematodes: efecto de rotacion de cosechas sobre la supervivencia de nematodos noduladores, lesionadores y espiraliformes
Canavalia brasiliensis (canavalia), a drought tolerant legume, was introduced into the smallholder traditional crop-livestock production system of the Nicaraguan hillsides as green manure to improve soil fertility or as forage during the dry season for improving milk production. Since nitrogen (N...
Douxchamps, Sabine
Humbert, FL
Hoek, Rein van der
Mena Urbina, Martin A.
Bernasconi, S
Schmidt, A
Rao, Idupulapati M.
Frossard, Emmanuel
Oberson, Astrid
[Nitrogen balances in farmers fields under alternative uses of a cover crop legume: a case study from Nicaragua]
Nitrogen balances in farmers fields under alternative uses of a cover crop legume: a case study from Nicaragua
The effects of cassava-based intercropping systems and rotations on physical and chemical properties of earthworm casts and the adjacent soil were studied on an Oxic Paleustalf in south-western Nigeria. Earthworm activity was greater with intercropping although it was not significantly affected b...
Hulugalle, N.R.
Ezuma, H.C.
[Effect of cassavabased cropping systems on physicochemical properties of soil and earthworm casts in a tropical Alfisol]
Effect of cassavabased cropping systems on physicochemical properties of soil and earthworm casts in a tropical Alfisol
Paul, Birthe K.
Vanlauwe, Bernard
Ayuke, Fredrick O.
Gassner, Anja
Hoogmoed, Marianne
Hurisso, T.T.
Koala, Saidou
Lelei, D.
Ndabamenye, T.
Six, Johan
Pulleman, M.M.
[Medium-term impact of tillage and residue management on soil aggregate stability, soil carbon and crop productivity]
Medium-term impact of tillage and residue management on soil aggregate stability, soil carbon and crop productivity
Excessive pumping of groundwater over the years to meet the high water requirement of flooded rice crop and intensive tillage have threatened the sustainability of irrigated rice–wheat system (RWS) in the Indo-Gangetic plains (IGP) of South Asia. Replacement of rice with less water requiring crop...
Jat, Mangi Lal
Gathala, Mahesh Kumar
Saharawat, Yashpal S.
Tetarwal, J.P.
Gupta R
[Double no-till and permanent raised beds in maize–wheat rotation of north-western Indo-Gangetic plains of India: Effects on crop yields, water productivity, profitability and soil physical properties]
Double no-till and permanent raised beds in maize–wheat rotation of north-western Indo-Gangetic plains of India: Effects on crop yields, water productivity, profitability and soil physical properties
Basamba, T.A.
Amézquita Collazos, Edgar
Singh, B.R.
Rao, Idupulapati M.
[Effects of tillage systems on soil physical properties, root distribution and maize yield on a Colombian acid-savanna Oxisol]
Effects of tillage systems on soil physical properties, root distribution and maize yield on a Colombian acid-savanna Oxisol
A researcher-managed on-farm experiment was conducted on a soil with low 1.90 mg/kg available phosphorus (P) to evaluate nutrient carryover from soybean grown under different P management options and productivity of maize grown in rotation. Promiscuously nodulating 110-day maturing soybean variet...
Jagtap, S.S.
Adeleye, O.
[Nutrient recovery and productivity of a soybeanmaize rotation in the derived savanna ecology of West Africa]
Nutrient recovery and productivity of a soybeanmaize rotation in the derived savanna ecology of West Africa
Field data have suggested that under P-deficient conditions, legumes supplied with phosphate rock (PR) increase P acquisition by a subsequent maize crop compared to direct application of PR to maize. This study assessed the mechanism of this positive rotational effect in terms of soil P availabil...
Pypers, Pieter
Huybrighs, M.
Diels, J.
Abaidoo, R.C.
Smolders, E.
Merckx, R.
[Does the enhanced P acquisition by maize following legumes in a rotation result from improved soil P availability?]
Does the enhanced P acquisition by maize following legumes in a rotation result from improved soil P availability?
Atmospheric biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) by cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) and groundnut (Arachis hypogea) was evaluated using a 2-year (2000–2001) experiment with different fertilizer treatments. The 15N isotopic dilution method with a nonfixing cowpea as test reference crop was used. The effe...
Bado, BV
Bationo, B. André
Cescas, MP
[Assessment of cowpea and groundnut contributions to soil fertility and succeeding sorghum yields in the Guinean savannah zone of Burkina Faso (West Africa)]
Assessment of cowpea and groundnut contributions to soil fertility and succeeding sorghum yields in the Guinean savannah zone of Burkina Faso (West Africa)
Soil quality protection under intensive land use and fast economic development has become a major challenge for sustainable resource use in the developing countries such as Nigeria. Conventional tillage practice is commonly practiced at land preparation and effect of this on soil quality fo...
Chidowe, O.A.
Joshua, T.M.
Sunday, A.
Dawi, T.B.
Oluoch, M.
Zeyaur, K.
[Effect of tillage, fertilizer and sorghum/desmodium intercrop cultivation on soils quality and yield of sorghum in an alfisol of a Northern Guinea Savanna of Nigeria]
Effect of tillage, fertilizer and sorghum/desmodium intercrop cultivation on soils quality and yield of sorghum in an alfisol of a Northern Guinea Savanna of Nigeria