Yam (Dioscorea spp.) is a major staple crop with high agricultural and cultural significance for over 300 million people in West Africa. Despite its importance, productivity is miserably low. A better understanding of the environmental context in the region is essential to unlock the crop’s poten...
Alabi, T.R.
Adebola, P.O.
Asfaw, A.
Koeyer, D. de
López Montes, A.
Asiedu, Robert
[Spatial multivariate cluster analysis for defining target population of environments in west Africa for yam breeding]
Spatial multivariate cluster analysis for defining target population of environments in west Africa for yam breeding
Ten and thirty cassava genotypes producing wildtype and amylose‐free (waxy) starch respectively, are grown at low (LA) and intermediate (IA) altitudes (<213 and >900 m above sea level (m.a.s.l.) respectively). The functional properties of the starch from these materials are analyzed. The relative...
Karlström, Amanda
Belalcázar, John
Sánchez, Teresa
Lenis, Jorge I.
Moreno, John L.
Pizarro, Mónica
Ricci, Julien
Dufour, Dominique
Tran, Thierry
Ceballos, Hernán
[Impact of Environment and Genotype-by-Environment Interaction on Functional Properties of Amylose-Free and Wildtype Cassava Starches]
Impact of Environment and Genotype-by-Environment Interaction on Functional Properties of Amylose-Free and Wildtype Cassava Starches
The energy sector of Ethiopia continues to largely rely on traditional biomass energy due to limited access to modern energy sources to meet growing demand. Long-term energy demand forecasting is essential to guide the country's plans to expand the energy supply system. This study provides a gene...
Mondal, Md. Hossain Alam
Bryan, Elisabeth
Ringler, Claudia
Mekonnen, Dawit Kelemework
Rosegrant, Mark W.
[Ethiopian energy status and demand scenarios: Prospects to improve energy efficiency and mitigate GHG emissions]
Ethiopian energy status and demand scenarios: Prospects to improve energy efficiency and mitigate GHG emissions
Examines the growth performance up to 3 years of calves raised under different treatments including calves with a background of simulated pastoral management and received half of their dams milk, calves received supplements of medium quality lucerne hay, calves given water as nightly supplement, ...
Coppock, D.L.
[Bigger calves make better cows. Fact or fantasy in variable environments?]
Bigger calves make better cows. Fact or fantasy in variable environments?
A total of 100 ISA-Vedette, 100 Arbor Acres and 1000 Hybro fast growing broiler chicks were divided in to 5 replications having 20 chicks in each, reared up to 42 days of age to select the suitable broiler strain of better profitability and meat yield traits. A total of 30 representative male and...
Sarker, M. S. K.
Islam, M.A.
Ahmed, S.U.
Alam, J.
[Profitability and meat yield traits of different fast growing Broiler Strains in winter]
Profitability and meat yield traits of different fast growing Broiler Strains in winter
The demand for livestock products is growing fast in developing countries due to population growth, urbanization, and rising incomes. For example from 1990 to the year 2010, demands for meat and milk in developing countries were estimated to grow by 66 percent and 223 percent, respectively. In mo...
Li Pun, H.H.
Maass, Brigitte L.
[The role of international livestock research in addressing human needs and the environment]
The role of international livestock research in addressing human needs and the environment
Damping-off and stem rot of cowpea is an important soil-borne disease worldwide. Cowpea fields were randomly chosen in each agro-ecological zone in Benin and surveyed in 2001 and 2002 to determine the occurrence of the diseases throughout the country. Diseased plants, prevailing environmental con...
Adandonon, A.
Aveling, T.A.S.
Tamo, M.
[Occurrence and distribution of cowpea damping-off and stem rot and associated fungi in Benin]
Occurrence and distribution of cowpea damping-off and stem rot and associated fungi in Benin
Examines the productivities of N'Dama cattle, introduced Sahiwal cattle, and Sahiwal X N'Dama crossbred at the Teko Livestock Station, Sierra Leone. Evaluates environmental and genetic effects relating to breed group, month and year of parturition or birth, age, sex, individual cow etc. as approp...
Carew, S.F.
Sandford, J.
Wissocq, Y.J.
Durkin, J.W.
Trail, J.C.M.
[Productivite de bovins N'Dama a la station de Teko (Sierra Leone) et premiers resultats de croisements avec la race Sahiwal]
Productivite de bovins N'Dama a la station de Teko (Sierra Leone) et premiers resultats de croisements avec la race Sahiwal
Outlines some of the work being done by ILCA in the field of agroecological zonation and the use of models to predict the effect of environment on pastoral and agricultural systems. Includes plans for future developments and the potential benefits of the work.
Henricksen, B.L.
[Determination des zones agro-ecologiques d'Afrique: travaux et projets du CIPEA]
Determination des zones agro-ecologiques d'Afrique: travaux et projets du CIPEA
Brumby, P.J.
Trail, J.C.M.
[Les etudes sur les races et la productivite du betail en Afrique]
Les etudes sur les races et la productivite du betail en Afrique