Research work carried out by CIAT in 1980 and results obtained are briefly analyzed: acquisition, evaluation, and distribution of germplasm; bush and climbing bean improvement; resistance to viral (BCMV, BYMV, soybean mosaic virus, bean chlorotic mottle virus, and BGMV), fungal (rust, anthracnose...
Se analizan en detalle el trabajo de investigacion realizado en CIAT en 1980 y los resultados obtenidos sobre adquisicion, evaluacion y distribucion de germoplasma; mejoramiento de frijol arbustivo y trepador; resistencia a enfermedades virales (BCMV, BYMV, virus del mosaico de la soya, virus mot...
Results are discussed and tables are included with the data obtained for bush and climbing beans grown in: (1) the Bean Team Nursery (VEF) between July 1-Dec. 31, 1981; (2) the 1981 Preliminary Yield Trial (EP), selected from the correspondent VEF reported the previous year; and (3) the 1980 Inte...
Se discuten los resultados y se incluyen tablas con los datos obtenidos para frijol arbustivo y voluble en: 1) el Vivero del Equipo de Frijol (VEF) sembrado entre julio 1-dic. 31 de 1981; 2) el Ensayo de Rendimiento Preliminar (EP) 1981, seleccionados del VEF del ano inmediatamente anterior; 3) e...
Research carried out by CIAT on specific character improvement is described and the results obtained in the following studies are given: resistance to viral (BCMV, combined BCMV and BYMV, bean chlorotic mottle virus, and BGMV), fungal (anthracnose, angular leaf spot, rust, and web blight), and ba...
Se describen las investigaciones realizadas por CIAT sobre mejoramiento del caracter especifico y se presentan los resultados obtenidos sobre: resistencia a enfermedades virales (BCMV, combinacion de BCMV y BYMV, virus del moteado clorotico del frijol y BGMV), fungicas (antracnosis, mancha foliar...
A detailed review on cassava production in intercropping systems is given, based on the following aspects: selection of plant types for intercropping; realtive planting time, planting density and pattern (spatial arrangement); mineral nutrition and fertilization, competition for nutrients; pest, ...
Research on plant pathology carried out during 1981 emphasized the study of some epidemiological, etiological, and physiological factors related to the occurrence of the superelongation disease of cassava caused by Sphaceloma manihoticola. Dry-heat treatments (60 degrees Celsius for 14 days) brea...
During 1981 genotype evaluation and selection continued at the ICA (Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario)-Caribia and the ICA-CIAT- Carimagua stations and at CIAT-Palmira, considered representative sites, resp., of (1) low-input technology with medium to high fertility soils in hot, lowland tropics ...
Durante 1981 se continuo la evaluacion y seleccion de genotipos en ICA (Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario)-Caribia, ICA-CIAT- Carimagua y CIAT--Palmira que son sitios representativos, resp., de tecnologias de 1) bajos insumos en suelos de fertilidad intermedia- alta en el tropico calido de tierra...
During 1981 the introduction of germplasm was continued with an additional 147 clones from Brazil in the form of aseptic meristem cultures. Cassava germplasm bank evaluation for adaptation, resistance to diseases and pests, yield, and root quality is in progress in the north coast of Colombia (Me...
Durante 1981 se continuo la introduccion de germoplasma, especialmente 147 clones de Brasil en la forma de cultivo de meristemos. Se siguio la evaluacion del banco de germoplasma de yuca por su adaptacion, resistencia a enfermedades y plagas rendimiento y calidad de las raices en la Costa Norte d...
Losses in root and planting material production caused by different pests as well as their biological control are evaluated. Studies of pests damaging dried cassava in storage were initiated. Biological aspects and form of attack of the following pests are described: stemborers (Lagochirus rogers...