Financial literacy (fl) is generally regarded as an economic good which individuals choose whether or not to consume depending on how much of a contribution they expect it to make to the quality of their financial decision-making. This construct has not, however, been tested empirically. In this ...
Presenta un análisis sobre la evolución y la situación actual de la oferta de cada uno de los once principales bienes alimenticios que constituyen, desde el punto de vista de aporte calórico, la dieta básica de la población guatemalteca. El análisis incorpora las variables: producción, importació...
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[The CIAT bean program: research strategies for increasing production]
The CIAT bean program: research strategies for increasing production
Lascano, Carlos E.
Holmann, Federico J.
[Conceptos y metodologías de investigación en fincas con sistemas de producción animal de doble propósito]
Conceptos y metodologías de investigación en fincas con sistemas de producción animal de doble propósito
Botero Botero, Raúl
[Manejo de explotaciones ganaderas en las sabanas bien drenadas de los Llanos Orientales de Colombia]
Manejo de explotaciones ganaderas en las sabanas bien drenadas de los Llanos Orientales de Colombia
Cassava is a regional crop in India, 97 percent of the production coming from the states of Kerala and Tamil Nadu. On a countrywide basis, cassava makes only a small contribution to total calorie intake; in the south, however, it ranks 2nd to rice. Data are presented on production and utilization...
La yuca es un cultivo regional en India; el 97 por ciento de la produccion proviene de los estados de Kerala y Tamil Nadu. A nivel nacional, la yuca representa un pequeno aporte al consumo total de calorias; en el sur, sin embargo, ocupa el segundo lugar despues del arroz. Se presentan datos sobr...
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Global cassava research and development: The cassava economy of Asia: Adapting to economic change]
Global cassava research and development: The cassava economy of Asia: Adapting to economic change
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Global cassava research and development: The cassava economy of Latin America: A food staple in transition]
Global cassava research and development: The cassava economy of Latin America: A food staple in transition
Data on milk production, and consumption and import of dairy products in tropical Africa, w. ref. to development constraints of dairy industry, milk prices and development policies.
International Livestock Centre for Africa
[Les problemes poses par l'approvisionnement en lait de l'Afrique tropicale - Tendances economiques. Produits laitiers]
Les problemes poses par l'approvisionnement en lait de l'Afrique tropicale - Tendances economiques. Produits laitiers
Between 1996 and 2004, Bioversity International worked with partners in Kenya to revive the interest of researchers, growers and consumers in African Leafy Vegetables, resulting in increased production, consumption and marketing of a wide range of local leafy vegetables and an improvement in hous...
Bioversity International
European Initiative for Agricultural Research for Development
[African leafy vegetables come out of the shade]
African leafy vegetables come out of the shade
Okello, J.J.
Shikuku, K.M.
Sindi, K.
Low, J.W.
[Farmers' perceptions of orange-fleshed sweetpotato: Do common beliefs about sweetpotato production and consumption really matter?]
Farmers' perceptions of orange-fleshed sweetpotato: Do common beliefs about sweetpotato production and consumption really matter?