Significant advances in increasing tolerance to the leafhopper Empoasca kraemeri Ross & Moore in common bean have been obtained using a new breeding scheme where yield under leafhopper attack is the principal selection criterion in the evaluation of progenies. However, to further refine this bree...
Kornegay, Julia L.
Cardona, C.
[Development of an appropriate breeding scheme for tolerance to Empoasca kraemeri in common bean]
Development of an appropriate breeding scheme for tolerance to Empoasca kraemeri in common bean
Micronutrient malnutrition, the so-called hidden hunger, affects more than one-half of the world's population, especially women and preschool children in developing countries. Despite past progress in controlling micronutrient decencies through supplementation and food fortification, new approach...
Pfeiffer, Wolfgang H.
McClafferty, Bonnie F.
[Harvestplus : Breeding crops for better nutrition]
Harvestplus : Breeding crops for better nutrition
We determined DNA fingerprints and pathotypes on international differentials for 151 isolates of the rice blast fungus Pyricularia grisea that were collected from 15 rice cultivars at a blast disease breeding nursery in Santa Rosa, Colombia. The pathogen population expressed an extraordinarily hi...
Levy, M
Correa Victoria, Fernando J.
Zeigler, Robert S.
Xu, S
Hamer, JE
[Genetic diversity of the rice blast fungus in a disease nursery in Colombia]
Genetic diversity of the rice blast fungus in a disease nursery in Colombia
Prosapia simulans (Walker) es una especie de salivazo que ataca los pastos del género Brachiaria (Trin.) Griseb. desde México hasta Colombia y ocasiona pérdidas económicas a la industria ganadera. El desarrollo de cultivares resistentes es considerado el mejor método de control del salivazo. Este...
Castro, U.
Cardona Mejía, César
Vera Graziano, J
Miles, John W.
Garza García, Ramón
[Identificación morfológica y molecular de Prosapia simulans (Walker) (Hemiptera: Cercopidae), y selección y mecanismos de resistencia este salivazo en híbridos de brachiaria = Morphological and molecular identification of Prosapia simulans (Walker) (Hemiptera: Cercopidae), and screening and mechanisms of resistance to this spittlebug in Brachiaria hybrids]
Identificación morfológica y molecular de Prosapia simulans (Walker) (Hemiptera: Cercopidae), y selección y mecanismos de resistencia este salivazo en híbridos de brachiaria = Morphological and molecular identification of Prosapia simulans (Walker) (Hemiptera: Cercopidae), and screening and mechanisms of resistance to this spittlebug in Brachiaria hybrids
Developing new population types based on interspecific introgressions has been suggested by several authors to facilitate the discovery of novel allelic sources for traits of agronomic importance. Chromosome segment substitution lines from interspecific crosses represent a powerful an...
Gutiérrez, A.G.
Carabalí, Silvio J.
Giraldo Pasmín, O.X.
Martínez Racines, César Pompilio
Correa Victoria, Fernando J.
Prado Patiño, G.A.
Tohme, Joseph M.
Lorieux, M
[Identification of a rice stripe necrosis virus resistance locus and yield component QTLs using Oryza sativa x O. glaberrima introgression lines]
Identification of a rice stripe necrosis virus resistance locus and yield component QTLs using Oryza sativa x O. glaberrima introgression lines
The bean weevil Acanthoscelides obtectus, is an important storage pest of common beans in Latin America and Africa. A few wild bean accessions from Mexico have been identified as highly resistant to the weevil. One accession, G 12952, was crossed to two susceptible bean cultivars differing in see...
Kornegay, Julia L.
Cardona, C.
[Inheritance of resistance to Acanthoscelides obtectus in a wild common bean accession crossed to commercial bean cultivars]
Inheritance of resistance to Acanthoscelides obtectus in a wild common bean accession crossed to commercial bean cultivars
The bean-pod weevil (BPW), Apion godmani Wagner, often causes heavy losses in crops of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Farmers need resistant bean cultivars to minimize losses, cut production costs, stabilize seed yield, and reduce pesticide use and consequent health hazards. To design effec...
Garza García, Ramón
Cardona Mejía, César
Singh, Shree P.
[Inheritance of resistance to the bean-pod weevil (Apion godmani Wagner) in common beans from Mexico]
Inheritance of resistance to the bean-pod weevil (Apion godmani Wagner) in common beans from Mexico
Apomixis—asexual reproduction through seed—provides a convenient means to faithfully propagate even heterozygous genotypes and hence exploit heterosis, in several naturally apomictic, warm-season forage grasses. Inheritance of apomixis has been shown to be monogenic dominant in at least four econ...
Eighty-three F2-derived F8 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) randomly selected from a population (TY 8419) of two common bean genotypes (Pinto UI 114 x ICA Pijao), the two parents, and a control cultivar (Topcrop) were screened for their reaction to bean golden mosaic virus (BGMV) under glasshouse ...
Morales, Francisco José
Singh, Shree P.
[Breeding for resistance to bean golden mosaic virus in an interracial population of Phaseolus vulgaris L]
Breeding for resistance to bean golden mosaic virus in an interracial population of Phaseolus vulgaris L
Agricultural science can address a population's vitamin, amino acid and mineral malnutrition through biofortification - agronomy, plant breeding and biotechnology to develop crops with high nutrient contents. Biofortified crop varieties should be grown in areas with populations at ris...
Zapata Caldas, E
Hyman, Glenn
Pachón, Helena
Monserrate Rojas, FA
Vesga Varela, AL
[Identifying candidate sites for crop biofortification in Latin America : Case studies in Colombia, Nicaragua and Bolivia]
Identifying candidate sites for crop biofortification in Latin America : Case studies in Colombia, Nicaragua and Bolivia