Climate change is a complex and cross-cutting problem that needs an integrated and transformative systems approach to respond to the challenge. Current sectoral approaches to climate change adaptation initiatives often create imbalances and retard sustainable development. Regional and internation...
Mpandeli, S.
Naidoo, D.
Mabhaudhi, T.
Nhemachena, Charles
Nhamo, Luxon
Liphadzi, S.
Hlahla, S.
Modi, A.T.
[Climate change adaptation through the water-energy-food nexus in southern Africa]
Climate change adaptation through the water-energy-food nexus in southern Africa
Con el fin de hacer frente a las amenazas que el cambio climático supone para los medios de vida rurales, la República
de Guatemala, junto con el resto de la región Centroamericana, se ha embarcado en el diseño de medidas y políticas de
adaptación y mitigación para reducir las emisiones y adaptar...
Acosta, Mariola
Bonilla Findji, Osana
Howland, Fanny Cecile
Twyman, Jennifer
Gumucio, Tatiana
Martínez Barón, Deissy
Le Coq, Jean François
[Paso a paso para la inclusión de género en iniciativas de agricultura sostenible adaptada al clima para Guatemala]
Paso a paso para la inclusión de género en iniciativas de agricultura sostenible adaptada al clima para Guatemala
Kahane, R.
Hodgkin, T.
Jaenicke, H.
Hoogendoorn, C.
Hermann, M.
Keatinge, J.D.H.
Hughes, J.D.
Padulosi, S.
Looney, N.
[Agrobiodiversity for food security, health and income]
Agrobiodiversity for food security, health and income
More than 400 million people in the developing world depend on dryland agriculture for their livelihoods. Dryland agriculture involves a complex combination of productive components: staple crops, vegetables, livestock, trees and fish interacting principally with rangeland, cultivated areas and w...
Ginkel, M. van
Sayer, Jeffrey A.
Sinclair, Fergus L.
Aw-Hassan, Aden A.
Bossio, Deborah A.
Craufurd, Peter Q.
Mourid, M.E.
Haddad, N.
Hoisington, D.A.
Johnson, Nancy L.
Velarde, C.L.
Mares, V.
Mude, Andrew G.
Nefzaoui, A.
Noble, A.D.
Rao, K.P.C.
Serraj, R.
Tarawali, Shirley A.
Vodouhe, R.S.
Ortiz, R.
[An integrated agro-ecosystem and livelihood systems approach for the poor and vulnerable in dry areas]
An integrated agro-ecosystem and livelihood systems approach for the poor and vulnerable in dry areas
Grain legumes (cowpea, peanut, and soybean) play important roles in household food and income security in smallholder farming systems in the Guinea Savanna agro-ecological zones of Ghana. However, yields are low, rarely exceeding 600 kg ha−1, prompting the need to evaluate responses of grain legu...
Adjei-Nsiah, Samuel
Alabi, B.U.
Ahiakpa, J.K.
Kanampiu, F.
[Response of grain legumes to phosphorus application in the guinea savanna agro-ecological zones of Ghana]
Response of grain legumes to phosphorus application in the guinea savanna agro-ecological zones of Ghana
Katungi, Enid M.
Larochelle, Catherine
Mugabo, Josephat R.
Buruchara, Robin A.
[The effect of climbing bean adoption on the welfare of smallholder common bean growers in Rwanda]
The effect of climbing bean adoption on the welfare of smallholder common bean growers in Rwanda
Cassava in Malawi is the second most important staple food crop after maize. This paper assesses the impact of agricultural research for development approach in Malawi on cassava yields, per capita area planted to cassava and household calorie intake from cassava and maize. Given the growing inte...
Rusike, J.
Mahungu, N.M.
Jumbo, S.
Sandifolo, V.S.
Malindi, G.
[Estimating impact of cassava research for development approach on productivity, uptake and food security in Malawi]
Estimating impact of cassava research for development approach on productivity, uptake and food security in Malawi
Linking smallholder farmers to large enterprises could be a powerful mechanism to improve input and output markets as well as other productivity-enhancing services for liquidity constrained smallholders. Dairy hubs promoted by East African Dairy Development project are collective farmer-owned mil...
Omondi, Immaculate A.
Rao, E.J.O.
Karimov, A.A.
Baltenweck, Isabelle
[Processor linkages and farm household productivity: Evidence from dairy hubs in East Africa]
Processor linkages and farm household productivity: Evidence from dairy hubs in East Africa
This study links participatory research methods, geographic information systems (GIS) techniques, village and household-level surveys, and a tobit analysis to examine the adoption and impact issues related to a new technology, improved varieties of dual-purpose cowpea (IDPC), developed by Interna...
Kristjanson, Patricia M.
Okike, I.
Tarawali, Shirley A.
Singh, B.
Manyong, Victor M.
[Farmers perceptions of benefits and factors affecting the adoption of improved dualpurpose cowpea in the dry savannas of Nigeria]
Farmers perceptions of benefits and factors affecting the adoption of improved dualpurpose cowpea in the dry savannas of Nigeria
Agriculture and food security are key sectors for intervention under climate change. Agricultural production is highly vulnerable even to 2C (low-end) predictions for global mean temperatures in 2100, with major implications for rural poverty and for both rural and urban food security. Agricultur...
Vermeulen, Sonja J.
Aggarwal, Pramod K.
Ainslie, A.
Angelone, C.
Campbell, Bruce M.
Challinor, Andrew J.
Hansen, James
Ingram, J.S.I.
Jarvis, Andy
Kristjanson, Patricia M.
Lau, Charlotte
Nelson, Gerald C.
Thornton, Philip K.
Wollenberg, Eva K.
[Options for support to agriculture and food security under climate change]
Options for support to agriculture and food security under climate change