A finales de la década de los noventa, Ecuador vivió un período de crisis política donde las instituciones representativas fueron cuestionadas. En medio del descrédito de la clase política, dos reformas constitucionales instituyeron la desconfianza ciudadana como control social sobre el poder: en...
At the end of the nineties, Ecuador experienced a period of political crisis in which representative institutions were questioned. During a process in which the political class became discredited, two constitutional reforms instituted citizen distrust as a social control over power: the Civic Com...
Gutiérrez Magaña, Héctor Manuel
[The institutionalization of social control in Ecuador: the possibilities and tensions of participatory mechanisms]
[La institucionalización del control social en Ecuador: posibilidades y tensiones de los mecanismos participativos]
La institucionalización del control social en Ecuador: posibilidades y tensiones de los mecanismos participativos
Las comunas de la Península de Santa Elena representan la continuidad histórica de las antiguas jefaturas Manteño - Huancavilcas. Estas comunas han logrado mantener el
control de su territorio y una relativa autonomía socio-económica a lo largo de todo el
período colonial y republicano, poniendo ...
The communes of the Santa Elena Peninsula represent the historical continuity of the
ancient Manteño - Huancavilca leadership. These communes have maintained control of their traditional territory and a relative socio-economic autonomy throughout both the
colonial and republican periode while eff...
In April 2005, Lucio Gutierrez was removed from office in the context of a fast-growing economy. With no economic hardship to fuel social outrage, the failure of Gutierrez illustrates how political and institutional factors can be the most important forces determining presidential survival. In th...
Martínez, Christopher A
[Democratic Tradition and the Failed Presidency of Lucio Gutierrez in Ecuador]
Democratic Tradition and the Failed Presidency of Lucio Gutierrez in Ecuador
Desde 2016, la comunidad indígena Shuar de Congüime en la Amazonía ecuatoriana tiene la concesión para extraer oro en su territorio mediante su empresa comunitaria Exploken Minera. Con su misión de una minería socio-ecológicamente responsable, invirtiendo los ingresos en la comunidad y sin usar q...
Since 2016, the Shuar indigenous community of Congüime in the Ecuadorian Amazon has held the gold mining concession in its territory through the community company Exploken Minera. With its mission of socially and ecologically responsible mining, investing the incomes in the community and without ...
Lalander, Rickard
Eguiguren Riofrío, María Beatriz
Vera, Ana Karina
Reyes, Maleny
Espinosa, Gabriela
Lembke, Magnus
[A Political Ecology of Responsible Indigenous Mining: Dilemmas, Disputes and Challenges in the Shuar Community of Congüime in the Ecuadorian Amazon]
[Una ecología política de minería indígena responsable: Dilemas, disputas y desafíos en la comunidad Shuar de Congüime de la Amazonía ecuatoriana]
Una ecología política de minería indígena responsable: Dilemas, disputas y desafíos en la comunidad Shuar de Congüime de la Amazonía ecuatoriana
En este artículo, doy cuenta en primer lugar de la legislación sobre derechos de la naturaleza en Ecuador y Bolivia, a saber, la Constitución de la República del Ecuador de 2008, y las leyes de derechos de la Madre Tierra de 2010 y la ley Marco de la Madre Tierra y Desarrollo Integral para Vivir ...
In this paper, I first investigate rights of nature legislation in Ecuador and Bolivia, namely the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador 2008, Bolivia Law of the Rights of Mother Earth 2010, and the Framework Law of Mother Earth and Integral Development for Living Well 2012. I apply a two-prong...
Wu, Jingjing
[In the Name of Anthills and Beehives: An inquiry into the concept of rights of nature and its reasoning]
[In the Name of Anthills and Beehives: An inquiry into the concept of rights of nature and its reasoning]
In the Name of Anthills and Beehives: An inquiry into the concept of rights of nature and its reasoning