La hipótesis que se buscó probar con la investigación consiste en que independencia, imparcialidad y control externo del juez constitucional pueden ser conciliados por un diseño institucional coherente.
Se proponen tres ámbitos de control externo de la actividad del juez constitucional: ámbito j...
The hypothesis that was tried to prove with the investigation is that independence, impartiality and external control of the constitutional judge can be reconciled by a coherent institutional design.
Three areas of external control of the activity of the constitutional judge are proposed: legal-...
Esta investigación busca determinar la función del concepto de carga pública a la luz de los valores fundamentales del constitucionalismo contemporáneo. Al efecto, emprende una reconstrucción histórica de la noción de carga pública, a objeto de comprender los contextos sociales e intelectuales ci...
This research aims to determine the function of the concept of public burdens, in light of the core values of contemporary constitutionalism. To that effect, it undertakes a historical reconstruction of the notion of public burden in order to grasp the surrounding social and intellectual framewor...
The work aims to verify that individuals can create certain rules of coordination in the framework of the priority of debts. For this purpose, special attention is paid to the figure of voluntary subordination, because it is a paradigm that seems to have opened the scope of private autonomy in th...
La presente tesis doctoral, desde un prisma socio-jurídico, analiza el tratamiento de la inmigración internacional en Chile. El objetivo de esta investigación es indagar los razonamientos predominantes al abordar los flujos de personas en dicho país. En este sentido se reconocen cuatro lógicas pr...
This doctoral dissertation analyses the treatment of international migration in Chile from a socio-legal standpoint. The objective of this research is to delve into the traditional arguments used for addressing the entry of people in this country. Accordingly, the research recognizes four prevale...