Groundwater provides nearly 100 % of the water supplies in some districts of Sri Lanka and is a major source of domestic water in all other districts. However, the resource remains largely neglected and invisible to society and policymakers. Groundwater offers the advantage of being a more reliab...
Aheeyar, Mohamed M.M.
Manthrithilake, Herath
Pathmarajah, S.
Makin, Ian W.
[Groundwater development through sprinkler irrigation: consequences of a lack of a governance structure in Kalpitiya, Sri Lanka]
Groundwater development through sprinkler irrigation: consequences of a lack of a governance structure in Kalpitiya, Sri Lanka
The concept of ‘Underground Taming of Floods for Irrigation’ (UTFI) is introduced as an approach for co-managing floods and droughts at the river basin scale. UTFI involves strategic recharge of aquifers upstream during periods of high flow, thereby preventing local and downstream flooding, and s...
Pavelic, Paul
Brindha, Karthikeyan
Amarnath, Giriraj
Eriyagama, Nishadi
Muthuwatta, Lal P.
Smakhtin, Vladimir U.
Gangopadhyay, Prasun K.
Malik, Ravinder Paul Singh
Mishra, Atmaram
Sharma, Bharat R.
Hanjra, Munir A.
Reddy, R.V.
Mishra, V.K.
Verma, C.L.
Kant, L.
[Controlling floods and droughts through underground storage: from concept to pilot implementation in the Ganges River Basin]
Controlling floods and droughts through underground storage: from concept to pilot implementation in the Ganges River Basin
The concept of ‘Underground Taming of Floods for Irrigation’ (UTFI) is introduced as an approach for co-managing floods and droughts at the river basin scale. UTFI involves strategic recharge of aquifers upstream during periods of high flow, thereby preventing local and downstream flooding, and s...
Pavelic, Paul
Brindha, Karthikeyan
Amarnath, Giriraj
Eriyagama, Nishadi
Muthuwatta, Lal P.
Smakhtin, Vladimir U.
Gangopadhyay, Prasun K.
Malik, Ravinder Paul Singh
Mishra, Atmaram
Sharma, Bharat R.
Hanjra, Munir A.
Reddy, R.V.
Mishra, V.K.
Verma, C.L.
Kant, L.
[Controlling floods and droughts through underground storage: from concept to pilot implementation in the Ganges River Basin]
Controlling floods and droughts through underground storage: from concept to pilot implementation in the Ganges River Basin
This Research Report chronicles the evolution of thinking on water productivity in the research agenda of IWMI and in the broader irrigation literature over the past 20 years. It describes the origins of the concept and the methodological developments, its operationalization through applied resea...
Giordano, Meredith A.
Turral, H.
Scheierling, S.M.
Treguer, D.O.
McCornick, Peter G.
[Beyond “More Crop per Drop”: evolving thinking on agricultural water productivity]
Beyond “More Crop per Drop”: evolving thinking on agricultural water productivity
South Asia's groundwater economy stands at the threshold of a revolution in adoption of solar irrigation pumps (SIPs). This has potential to unlock the region's perverse energy-groundwater nexus. In much of South Asia, the price of energy used in irrigation, the only surrogate for water price, fa...
Shah, Tushaar
Rajan, Abhishek
Rai, Gyan Prakash
Verma, Shilp
Durga, Neha
[Solar pumps and South Asia's energy-groundwater nexus: exploring implications and reimagining its future]
Solar pumps and South Asia's energy-groundwater nexus: exploring implications and reimagining its future
Closas, Alvar
Molle, Francois
[Groundwater governance in Asia and the Pacific. [Project report of the Groundwater Governance in the Arab World - Taking Stock and Addressing the Challenges].]
Groundwater governance in Asia and the Pacific. [Project report of the Groundwater Governance in the Arab World - Taking Stock and Addressing the Challenges].
The Ganges basin faces considerable spatial and temporal imbalance between water demand and availability. Lack of water storage infrastructure has led to this mismatch, wherein there are limited options to store flood water during the wet season and limited groundwater and surface water resources...
Chinnasamy, Pennan
Muthuwatta, Lal P.
Eriyagama, Nishadi
Pavelic, Paul
Lagudu, S.
[Modeling the potential for floodwater recharge to offset groundwater depletion: a case study from the Ramganga basin, India]
Modeling the potential for floodwater recharge to offset groundwater depletion: a case study from the Ramganga basin, India
Although the Ganges River Basin (GRB) has abundant water resources, the seasonal monsoon causes a mismatch in water supply and demand, which creates severe water-related challenges for the people living in the basin, the rapidly growing economy and the environment. Addressing these increasing cha...
Amarasinghe, Upali A.
Muthuwatta, Lal P.
Smakhtin, Vladimir U.
Surinaidu, Lagudu
Natarajan, R.
Chinnasamy, Pennan
Kakumanu, Krishna Reddy
Prathapar, Sanmugam A.
Jain, S.K.
Ghosh, N.C.
Singh, S.
Sharma, A.
Jain, S.K.
Kumar, S.
Goel, M.K.
[Reviving the Ganges water machine: potential and challenges to meet increasing water demand in the Ganges River Basin]
Reviving the Ganges water machine: potential and challenges to meet increasing water demand in the Ganges River Basin
Amarasinghe, Upali A.
Muthuwatta, Lal P.
[Ganges water machine: one solution to basin water problems?]
Ganges water machine: one solution to basin water problems?
Closas, Alvar
Villholth, Karen G.
[Aquifer contracts: a means to solving groundwater over-exploitation in Morocco?]
Aquifer contracts: a means to solving groundwater over-exploitation in Morocco?