This brief documents current knowledge about pygeum (Prunus africana). It aims to inform decision makers in governments in producing and consumer countries, international and civil society organisations and researchers, about sustainable (international) trade and governance of the species.
Ingram, V.J.
Loo, J.
Dawson, I.
Vinceti, B.
Duminil, J.
Muchugi, A.
Awono, A.
Asaah, E.
[Perspectives for sustainable Prunus africana production and trade]
Perspectives for sustainable Prunus africana production and trade
Toledo, José M.
Mendoza M, PE
[Pasturas tropicales de mínimos insumos para sistemas de doble propósito en áreas con suelos pobres y ácidos]
Pasturas tropicales de mínimos insumos para sistemas de doble propósito en áreas con suelos pobres y ácidos
Short-term trends show that livestock production is becoming an increasingly important factor in regional development, possibly because of the combined effect of increasing the forages on offer and planting crops better adapted to the environmental and economic conditions of marginal areas and th...
Rivas Ríos, Libardo
[Ganadería y deforestación en América Latina Tropical: Qué podemos hacer?]
Ganadería y deforestación en América Latina Tropical: Qué podemos hacer?
The listing presented is based on subjective analysis of the content of the two sets of C&I. This analysis will be reviewed at a workshop on this subject Friday, 20 March 1998. It is our expectation that subsequent to the workshop the list would be finalised. Looking at the differences in term of...
[Mid term report (1997-1998): Testing Criteria and Indicators for the Sustainability of Tropical Forest Plantations in Indonesia]
Mid term report (1997-1998): Testing Criteria and Indicators for the Sustainability of Tropical Forest Plantations in Indonesia
Ce projet financé par le PNUE et mis en oeuvre par le CIFOR s’est intéressé aux forêts tropicales humides d’Afrique occidentale, plus particuliérement au Ghana et au Nigeria, avec des informations complémentaires provenant du Libéria, de Sierra Leone et du Cameroun. L’objectif général était de fa...
Dykstra, D.P.
Kowero, G.S.
Ofosu-Asiedu, A.
Kio, P.
[Promotion de l’aménagement forestier dans la zone de forêt tropicale humide d’Afrique occidentale et centrale anglophone: rapport final]
Promotion de l’aménagement forestier dans la zone de forêt tropicale humide d’Afrique occidentale et centrale anglophone: rapport final
Angelsen, A.
Ainembabazi, John H.
Bauch, R.
Herold, Martin
Verchot, Louis V.
Hänsel, G
Schueler, V
Toop, G
Gilbert, A
Eisbrenner, K.
[Testing methodologies for REDD+: Deforestation drivers, costs and reference levels]
Testing methodologies for REDD+: Deforestation drivers, costs and reference levels
Pizarro, Esteban A.
Toledo, José M.
Amézquita, María Cristina
[Adaptación y producción de Andropogon gayanus en condiciones de bosque y sabana del trópico americano]
Adaptación y producción de Andropogon gayanus en condiciones de bosque y sabana del trópico americano